What is your favorite song?
How am I to answer a response
I love the way people croon
Even if they are out of tune
I feel emotion
Just from the touch of a button
Melodies of the radio
Those are my favorites innuendos
What is your favorite color?
How am I to go about this answer
The color of his lips from the biting cold
The night sky that would unfold
The shade of the still air
These are my savored variegates
What do you want to be when you grow up?
How am I to have a response that isn't corrupt
Truly, I want to be pretty and thin
Have a waste so small I inspire
I want to travel across the world
But how am I to do that with no fortune
I never want to grow up
There is no fun in that death cup
Question? Response.
PoetryQuestions within society that are commonly asked, but how should we go about our response?