Chapter 4.1

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It was early morning when Karth heard the sound of the city bell at the distance. With blurred sight, He struggled to keep is eyes opened, felt pain in his temples, but it was time to begin the day to day routine, and so he raised from his bed to look out the window. The morning was murky, sunless with the smell of wet mud in the air. Power, is that all there is? he thought. Staring into space, memories begun storming his mind. The sight was familiar, it reminded him of that early morning he saw his father for the last time, five years ago.

Karth's mother died giving birth so he never saw how she looked like. He only had his father's description of her to picture her image in his mind. She was beautiful, or so Karth imagined. And so a parent was all Karth had for a family.

Regardless of his engaged life as a member of the senate, part of an elder group ruling the republic,  Ilian was a caring father. He always there when Karth needed him and there to answer to the insatiable curiosity of a child.

''Father, what is the reason of our existence in this realm?'' Karth remember one of the conversations he used to engaged with Ilian as they would walk along lake Opan.

Walking along side his son, Ilian smiled in amusement. ''it is unusual for a child your age to ask a question like the one you just made''.

Karth rolled his eyes. '' I am not a child any more, I am eight years old and I want to know the truth''. He said with a tone of excitement.

Ilian grinned and burst out laughing for a brief moment.

Karth scowled.

'' Sorry son, I am just happy.. you and I are alike, but I have the feeling that you will succeed where I failed''. Ilian said and begun lecturing his son. "Life is what you perceive it to be''. Ilian hesitated. ''There is no real answer of that question... but let me say this... would you agree that every creature has function in the world?''.

''yes, it is known. Every creature has role that keeps the balance in our reality''. Karth said with confidence.

''That is correct. It is only a theory but It is logical to think this way'' Ilian said holding his chin. ''Bees are important in the growth of flowers, they produce the honey we consume. Some creatures serve us for nourishment and other's purpose is to protect us just like the beast Hyros that resides at the edge of the Frigad, patrolling for any outsider threat..''

Karth rubbed his chin. ''I think I am beginning to understand''

Looking at the boy, Ilian smiled. ''Great. Now, listen careful and try to think about this. If every creature has a purpose, what is OUR purpose that keeps the balance in the kosmos?''

Karth shook his head. '' I am confused'' he grunted.

Ilian and Karth stopped their walk and stood facing the lake.

''Precisely, It is a difficult question as there is no absolute answer... however, I do believe each human has a purpose that we had long since forgotten''. Ilian said, picking up a stone and launching it straight forward. The stone moved with enough force to skip on water until it reached the shore at the other side. ''The clue is our craving for knowledge and we must first attain it. A vast Knowledge that will turn into power and Therefore, the first step to reach... the other side, the ultimate reality''.

Karth never fully understood what his father talked about that day, but had enjoyed listening to him regardless. People in town used to say that Ilian was a master in rhetoric, a philosopher, a person who found passion in truth and wisdom. And perhaps, that was the reason he enjoyed listening to him, Ilian seemed to know the answer to every question.

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