Jisoo X Fem!Reader: Mommy and her Kitten

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Requested by: Cana__Alberona__
Jisoo- You know her~
Warnings• Smut. Rudeness. Foul language. Mommy kink ;)
Theme: Jisoo is your boss at your new job, you two go partying one night, and get locked in a room. You two are not drunk but, things go down.
Your P.O.V

I stare in aw as I walk through the two glass doors of my new job. I still can't believe that I got hired here. I mean, here. Kim Entertainments. Ran by the most famous Kim family in South Korea. And get this, the owner's daughters, Kim Jisoo, will be my boss. My boss! I am the first one to be working completely under them. The first to be able to have them hire someone on their OWN terms. It's hard enough to get promoted to that position, let alone get hired to that. No one in the human freaking history has got hired to this position. Like, no one. And I mean no one! Do you know how great this is?! Any way, I need to stop freaking out in my mind, and I need to get to my office. I think it's on the highest floor. The 58th? Damn, that's a lot of floors. Like, 58 stories high, wow. That is here the owners are, so, that's the floor I will be working at. Eeeeeeee! I am so excited! Okay okay, time to go up. Hmm, stairs or elevator. The stair would take longer but, I would get in a work out, plus, wouldn't have to stay in a tiny confined space with people I don't know. If I take the elevator, I would get up in 2 minutes, making me early, plus, I could meet new people! Eh, no. I am not one to really socialize. Okay, stairs it is.

Author's P.O.V (I am not stalker, although I wish I was there, I want to meet my lovely readers)

Y/N walked up the stairs, slightly jogging, or walking up quickly, whichever you prefer. It doesn't really matter how you explain it though, either way, her boobs jiggled slightly which cause some lust-filled looks from a lot of boys, and some females.

She didn't notice though. She kept her head down and didn't look up once, not wanting to really meet any new people. She wasn't ever really the social one, in any group she was in, or her family. Her family could always talk to anyone that they wanted, and could make a new friend. Y/N on the other hand, couldn't do that to save her life. She would freeze up and stutter, an a blush would explode on her face.(same)

She continued to slightly jog up the stairs, hurrying to get up to the floor she needed to, for her job.

Eventually she walked, more like climbed, to the top of the stairs, where she found, another floor. And another set of stairs, which she started to climb up to get there.

After about, 10 minutes of many stairs to climb and many floors she thought were the floor where she would proceed to do what she was hired for. Which was producing songs, like writing them, for other groups. She finally made it to her floor, where se was introduced to beauty itself, or more like, herself.

Kim Jisoo

She was absolutely stunning

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She was absolutely stunning. Beautiful. Lovely. Amazing. Visuals like Aphrodite. Cute. Y/N could go on and on about how amazing she was. As she was thinking about her, she was cut out of her thought.

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