For Our Princess'

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*Ashton, Luke, Harry, Edward, Niall, William, and Louis are sitting at a table in a strip club*

S-STOP. Mari's gonna kill m- *looks at a girl's butt*- Lou

Shut up, Toml- *looks at her butt too*- Ed

*stares at the girl*- all except for Luke

Guys.. That's my sister.. *covers their eyes and winks at the girl*- Luke

*smiles and kisses his cheek*- Girl

*puts my hands away and laughs* YOLO.-Luke

So.. Guys let's start with our girlfriends..?-Will

Your boring. *yawns*- Ash


What baby? What?- Ni

I love you, my beautiful boyfriend. *laughs and huggles Niall*- H

I love you more, handsome. *winks*- Ni

Ewwwww. Now I think Will's idea is good but let's talk about them sexually. You know what I mean?- Ed

*smirks and chuckles*- the rest

YEA BUDDY. How's Peppito?- H

He's good. How's Pablo?- Ed

.-. No one asked how Dick was!!- Ni

Well.. I was going to- -Ash

You scare me, Ashton e.o -Luke

You gotta love the AshMasta.-Ash

Shut up. Now let me start- let's just say their names so everyone knows!

My girl's name is Lovely Lauryn.- Will

Marvellous Meri.- Lou

Cute Caylen.- Haz

Kind Kristina.- Ni

Joyful Jade.- Edweed

Sexy Stephanie.- Ash

That's just sick. Your dating my sister?- Haz

And..?- Ash

Never mind.- H

Simmer down, simmer down.

My turn

Pretty Paxton.- Penguin Boy (Luke)

See. We. Told. You. We. Loved. You

We. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. About. That.

Girl. Ha. She. Can. Suck. My. Wait. A.

Hobo's. Dick.- all

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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