"The Paper Cut"

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I harshly scratched my pen along the rough white paper.My eyes straining from the weak light source emanating from my lamp.I thought I changed the batteries?I questioned myself in my mind.I ignored my sore eyes and keep writing.

I've been here for hours designing and experimenting with different parts and styles of frames. My colleagues believe I'm just chasing an impossible dream to make this machine.But I'm not,I'm making a highly advanced life changing device.

"My Artificial Intelligent Robot."Then something clicked in my mind.Like a switch. I then released something."Atom!"I finalized the name.

I began writing faster and more desperately.Drawing every fine detail and size to match the description in my mind.I finish the rough design and write out his name,ATOM.And sign my name in the corner:Elsa McCormick

I drop my pen an lean back onto my chair sinking down further as my body relaxes.I stare at the paper,imaging what will happen when this becomes real.

I allow my head to fall back as I melt into the comfort of my chair.My eyes become heavier and heavier.It becomes irritating.

I lift my body up and prop my elbow on the table.The silence in the lab felt almost comforting. But sadly it was broken by the buzz if my phone.

I turned my head and moved my hand over to it,I brought it closer to my tired and weary face.       I immediately read the message when the name Madison flashed on the screen.

Madison-Y r u still at work?

Elsa-How do you know?

Madison-I can see your crappy office light is still on!

Elsa-Why are you even near the building?

Madison-Because I knew you would probably still be here

Elsa-And you decided it was a good idea to come here at 2 am in the morning to see me?


Elsa-You're such a weird Best Friend

Madison-I'm not as weird as you!

Elsa-What do you mean?

Madison-You don't go to parties,You never have time to go to the cafe anymore,you are always working on that stupid project and you never see me anymore.

Elsa-I can see you now!

Madison-Oh?Really then what number am I holding up?

Elsa-I'm on the 9th floor!I don't think I can see small details like that.And its pitch black!

Madison-UGH!Just come down so we can go to McDs and get some of their breakfast meals!

Elsa-Okay,I'm coming!

I sent her the text and placed my phone in my pocket.I turned back to my blueprints.I stood up and walked over to the small supply cupboard.I grabbed an elastic band.

I went back to my paper,and started rolling it up.I moved my fingers along the side to straighten it up,it was going great until I jerked my hand and cut my right index finger.

I winced quietly as the blood dripped out gently and slowly.I stood there staring at the blood when another idea sparked in my mind.A robot capable of healing injured and diseased people. 

I then pushed aside the pain and I finished rolling up the blueprints.I used the elastic band to hold the paper in place.

I put it down on the table and grabbed my laptop.I turned it on and went to notes.And typed a reminder message.

Note To Self:Advance Nano Tech to Repair Broken skin cells.

I finished the note and shut my laptop off.I placed it in my bag and zipped it up.I flung my bag over my shoulder and headed to the door.

I reached the door frame and realized the door was open.Its always closed when I come in here. I instantly shut it and checked around the lab.

No one was here.Maybe the lock malfunctioned?I told myself in the most believable voice I could use.I turned for door before...

Sorry for the cliffhanger.I was just having fun writing it and thought I'd troll you guys,just cause.I hope you guys liked it!

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