Chapter 1

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Ezra's P.O.V

It has been a couple of months since the day the crew brought me aboard the Ghost. Let's just say, the best couple months of my life! So much has happened since I became a member. We went on missions, helped people, and I am being trained on how to use the force! Kanan has been teaching me all about it and now I'm trying to build my own lightsaber! Keyword: trying.

"Oh come on!" I said in announce as the darn pieces wouldn't go together. I had earned my kyber saber crystal at the Jedi temple and it was hard to get. Going through fears over the years of hard and pure torture or just being reminded of them made the test hard. Yet, here I am attempting to build my deadly weapon.

I have also had the interest at building things so Hera took the opportunity and is teaching me. I'm still a bit shaky on how to use the tools and putting the things together. Example, building a lightsaber.

"Ezra!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the said Twi'lek call my name. I put my stuff under the covers of my bed and left the room. I had moved out of Kanan and Hera's room and into Zeb's a while back. The both of us cause trouble at times when in the same room but we bond like any other sibling would.

I walked into the common room to see Hera standing above some pieces that the crew gave me to build my lightsaber. I guess I forgot to clean up the spare pieces.

"Would you mind cleaning up the mess since I'm guessing your the one that made it," Hera said smiling. I sheepishly scratched the back of my neck, "Yeah, I must of forgotten them earlier." I walked over next to Hera and knelt down picking up the pieces. Once I had them all, I put them on the table and went to find something to hold the pieces in.

I soon came back and put the pieces in a small bag. I turned with a smile on my face, looking at Hera. Her belly has extended over the time that the crew had started to notice. At some point, Hera and Kanan explained to us that Hera was pregnant. I flinched when they told the news even though I already knew, it didn't mean that I wasn't guilty still. Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper were all flabbergasted at the news that their faces were priceless.

I am still guilty about what happened to her though. No one should be forced to get of do things that they don't want. So I quickly looked away my smile fading from my lips. I felt bad about the sudden change in mood but for some reason, I can never see Hera the same again. Every time I do see her, I put on a fake smile and pretend that I'm fine when really, I'm not.

I grabbed the bag and walked out of the room quickly with my mind swirling with different things. Then I froze at the front of Zeb and I's cabin when a thought entered my head.

Would the baby replace me once it was born? I shook the thought out of my head but it never went away. The crew and I have been through so much already. Why would they abandoned me now?

Maybe, they would see that it really was my fault in the first place once the baby came. I opened the door and walked into the room setting the bag with my unfinished lightsaber. I climbed up the ladder and laid on my bed with my mind still racing.

I heard the door open and assumed that it was Zeb coming in to sleep. Yet, a gentle hand was placed on my back and started rubbing it. "Ezra, I know that you're awake," Hera's voice said calmly. I rolled over so that I was facing Hera. She retracted her hand and asked, "Why have you been so depressed lately?"

It was true, I have barely had a good nights sleep, plagued by nightmares. I can't help overreacting about Hera's baby replacing me. Yet, what I can't stand the most was the thought of feeling alone again. It was one of my biggest fears and I couldn't help but feel jumpy every once in a while since the Jedi Temple tests.

"It's nothing," I said a bit to depressed. "If there is something bothering you, you can always come to me or Kanan," she said, "You know that right?" I nodded my head then felt Hera's fingers comb through my hair. I leaned into the warm touch and smiled a real smile. She had a smile on her face too and said, "Get some sleep, we have a mission tomorrow."

I nodded once again and started to drift off into slumber.

I was running from something but couldn't tell what it was. People ran in fear and screaming. I couldn't find the crew anywhere which made me worried. Then I fell to the ground and everything faded until the place started to focus again. This time I was in a cell. An Imperial cell. The door slid open to reveal a silhouette of a figure standing at the door.

The person started to walk over to me and the light showed who the figure was. No, it can't be....

I shot up in bed and hit my head on the top of the bunk. I rubbed the sensitive spot that was stinging in attempt for it to stop. I sighed and looked around the room with the sounds of Zeb's snores echoing in the dark room. I climbed down the ladder and left the room to my hiding spot in the closet.

I opened the closet door and turned the light on. The dark closet reminded me of my cell that was always dark and gloomy.

I sat in the corner and kept telling and hoping to myself that...

...nothing goes wrong.

Inquisitor's P.O.V

I was sitting in a mediative position when I felt fear through the force. I smirked and opened my cold, yellow eyes. "We're coming for you padawan," I said going back into meditation.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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