sick day part two!

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Ever since we turned human I've been getting sick alot.......

I woke up and I felt weird Rigby was still asleep i kissed him on the forehead he opened his eyes and held me down and kissed me it turned into a whole make out I blushed deep rose red he giggled putting his hand at my stomach "dose it hurt down here?" He asked I winced and nodded "badly" I said he kissed my stomach and rubbed it I started to feel teary and the tears came down my face he jumped " WHATS WROUNG!?!?" he asked in panic and worriedness "I DON'T KNOW!!!!" I said crying I really did not know why I was crying he pulled me into his chest till I stopped I was flushed and dizzy "are you ok?" He asked looking at me in my eyes I shook my head " I f-feel h-hott and d-dizzy" I said he felt my head " you have a fever!" He screamed out I dozed off he picked me up bride stile "huh?" I said sounding out of it" R-riby San " I said I have not called him that since we were younger he blushed I closed my eyes and opened to find myself on my bed only in my boxers everyone was there from the house IDOIT gumball machine and grandpa well that's not everyone but what ever Rigby was not there I was wondering if I died " Rigby? " I said that gumball machine " he's working" he said "but I want him h-hear i-it hurts to much" I said my voice Shakey they looked at me and called Rigby they talked awhile and I tryed to keep my eyes open but I fell asleep.... I woke up with no one there I started to curl up and looked at the time I headed down stairs to see Rigby " so is he ok?" Rigby asked "ya" the gumball machine said " so his condition is fine" grandma said Rigby smilled I ran to the bathroom throwing up they all herd my I callapsed on the floor

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