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1. My phone lol
2. I only really wear mascara, but I don't really like the brand I use. But hey, mascara is mascara.
3. Rose ;)
4. Target or Kohls
5. Paris Hilton
6. Flats
7. Yup.
8. Any shade of blue
9. Redbull or Starbucks energy drink
10. Yep
11. Yeah
12. If they're really cheesy fries, then yeah
13. ..lotion? (Japanese Cherry Blossom from Bath & Body Works)
14. Yes
15. Depends
16. No 😂
17. Athazagoraphobia - Fear of being forgotten or ignored
Thanatophobia - Fear of death
18. Not anymore
19. Um idk. Maybe 😂
20. yEs

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