Chapter 7

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As the night wore on Solin and I found solace in each other's company, sharing drink and food until we found our eyes growing heavy and the evening wore into our heads. I carried her back to the chambers, she had yet to fall asleep, but drearily lulled in an out of a haze of contentment. Hardly ever had I seen her this relaxed and at peace.

"Rest, angel." I kissed her forehead and she grinned slightly as I laid her down in bed. She grabbed my hand and I sat beside her.

"Stay with me, you always leave." She mumbled, twisting her fingers to fit with my own.

"I will stay." I smiled and crawled over to lay at her side. Her body curled against my chest, her head resting on my shoulder. Solin gave a relaxed sigh and all was well in that dear moment.

I woke to the sear pain of sunlight burning my shoulder, but it was short lived. I sat up, turning to see, and Solin was there, closing the drapery to relieve me of my pain.

"What are you doing up?" I asked, beckoning her to bed. She had de-robed to a thin gown of pale green that hung loose from her right shoulder; I suspected it was for her own sake of normalcy in returning to the old ways here. "You should rest."

"I slept through the night, do not worry." She answered as she sat herself beside me and touched my shoulder; where the skin was already healing. "Being bedridden gives me plenty of rest anyway. Besides, I cannot watch my husband suffer; even if he heals far too fast."

"Thank you." I said quietly as I took her hand and kissed it softly; then adjusting myself to sit against the headboard of the bed. Solin stood and crossed the room, closing some of the drapes nearly all the way for my sake, before returning and laying back in my arms.

Her kindness was too often overlooked and taken for granted, too many times had I let it and herself slip past without recognition.

"Can you stay with me today?" She asked me softly; tilting her head to look at me. "I have an uneasy feeling about this day."

"What is wrong? Do you feel alright? Should I send someone to get Barnebes?" My chest tightened for a moment, nervous that something could be very wrong.

"No. No, that's not necessary." She sat up and moved to lean against the headboard like me. "I just do not like the idea of being alone today."

"You are not alone." I tucked her fox colored hair behind her ear and held my hand to her cheek. "I will be with you. You can accompany me when I see the council later this morning and then I am all yours for the rest of the day so long as your brothers don't make a mess of things around the castle."

"Thank you." She leaned over and kissed me, then laid her head against my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me to her body.

"Anything for you, my love." I kissed her forehead and held her close, enjoying this moment and the peace it brought my tightened chest.

The morning moved into later hours and I helped Solin get dressed. This was the first time she would make an appearance before the council, and although nothing important would take place in lawful ways I could tell she was nervous. Her heart pounded in her chest and anxious finger fidgeting was more than apparent as she set locks of her hair up and back behind her head in the mirror. I could not bring myself to say that nothing would happen but even I could not be too sure that someone would not poke questions at us.

"I think I am ready." She muttered, taking a quick turn in the mirror.

"You look lovely, Solin. As you always will." I took her hand and kissed it gently, smiling to give her courage.

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