Your First Date

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Robert: A week after going to see Robert's band play every night, you accept Roberts pending request of a date. He asks you every night if you're ready,so you wait for after the show for him to ask. "So,Y/n,are you ready to go on a date?" "Actually Robert,yes. Yes I am." He grins,"Good. Let's go." When you're in the car he asks,"What made you change your mind?" "You're just too cute." You smile. "You're too sweet." He takes you to a small restaurant,and you go back to his dorm room and talk about anything and everything. You fall asleep in his arms. 

Jimmy: You go to a nature preserve and look at the pretty flowers and trees. He knows how much you love photography,so it gave you lots of opportunities to take photos. It was a beautiful day out,and you love spending it with a beautiful boy.

John Paul: You have a small picnic,followed by a long walk in a pretty park. You talk for what seems like hours,and you realize he's a beautiful soul. He's also a beautiful man. "Y/n,you wouldn't mind being my girlfriend,would you?" "I would love to be." He kisses your cheek,and you continue your walk.

John: You go to a large club they're playing at,and after the show you go to his flat and eat dinner. After dinner,you watch a movie on his couch. You fall asleep cuddling with him,but wake up in his bed the next morning. You smile at his sleeping face,he looks so peaceful.

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