yo girl

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Heather Duke- Martha Dumptruck took a belly flop off the Old Mill Bridge last night holding a suicide note

Veronica-Oh my god! Is she dead?!

Heather Duke- Just some broken bones. Just another geek trying to imitate the popular people and failing miserably

Heather Chandler's Ghost- Good job heather! You are truly one of us now!

Veronica- Do you see what you made her do?!

Heather Chandlers Ghost- What have I done?

*Veronica walks over to Martha*

Veronica- Martha I'm so sorry

Heather Chandlers Ghost- You've earned that red scrunchie

Veronica- Ugh I'm so pissed off at you! I'm done with your little games

Veronicas Dad- Where have you been!?

Veronicas Mom- We've been worried sick! your friend JD stopped by. He told us everything

Veronica- Everything?

Veronicas Dad- Your depression? Your thoughts of suicide?

Veronicas Mom- He even showed us your copy of Moby Dick

Heather Chandlers Ghost- he's got your handwriting don't cold

Veronicas Mom- Please, honey, talk to us

Veronica- No, you wouldn't understand

Veronicas Mom- Try me! I've experienced everything your going through right now! Your problems seem like life and death but I promise you they are not!

Veronica- You don't know what my world looks like!

Heather Chandlers Ghost- Looks like someone is running on fumes now and is throwing a fit! Watch  out because someone is coming

J.D.-Sorry to come in through the window, I know dreadful edi-

Veronica- Get out of my house!

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