Opening doors

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Hey Guys. This is a story I had to write for school.  I wanted some opinions so I decided to upload it. Let me know what you think.


P.S. The topic was "Misuse Of Medical Drone" so I did have some guide lines to follow.


Ba-bump, Ba-bump, Ba-bump. My heart is pounding as I run. Through the streets, around the buildings, down the alleys. I run as fast as I can, anywhere I can. I need to run. I have to run. I have no other choice. My legs are weak, but I can not slow down. Getting caught was not an option. I have to keep running.

My name is Jeremy Waters and I am on the run. I am an ex-SEAL Team 6 member and I am being charged with treason and first degree murder. I have been framed for the killing of my unit with the use of military appliances. A medical drone was hacked and used to destroy my camp. Since I am  the only survivor, I am now the one being blamed. It also doesn’t help that I was the only one who had access to the drone.

To avoid death, I must leave everything and everyone I love behind. I have no way to plead my case. The world does not believe in justice the way it used to. It believse in pure persecution. There are no second chances or just doing your time. Even if  you are just a suspect, you are as good as guilty. It is either life or death; there are no other options. The only options you do have are how you live or how you die. You can live big or you can live small, but thats all based on how well you are liked. Death usually is not  in the most favorable of ways. No one dies of “natural” causes any more. Most are either killed on trial or killed by “accident”. Let me tell you, none of these deaths are quick and easy. The people who die by “accident” are usually poisoned, run over, or shot. Their deaths are dragged out so they know what it feels like to be in pain. That way, no one’s life is too perfect. While these deaths seem awful, the people who are convicted suffer much worse. Their deaths rage all the way from being tied to bricks and thrown into water just deep enough for them to not be able to stand and have to suffer from exhaustion before they eventually drowned, to having all their bones broken and then thrown into an arena to be mauled by wolves. Due to the crimes I have supposedly committed, I will most likely be hung upside down with my throat slit open and then be left to bleed out.  

If I get caught, me, along with my family, will be killed. All our belongings will be burned and our existence will be wiped from history. No one that knows us will know where we went or what happened to us. We will become ghosts that future generations have no knowledge of. No one will know that we were put on trial and murdered. It will all be done behind closed doors. That is why I have to run. I have to draw attention to the problems of our society. I have to open up all those doors and show the world what is really going on.  No one really knows exactly what our government does. They don’t realize that the medical drones that are supposedly being used to bring aid to desperate civilians and look for disasters, are actually equipped with lethal poisons and weaponry. These drones have the ability to watch a person's every move and send footage to secret bases where it is analyzed for “mysterious” behavior. In reality, the government is just looking for a reason to kill someone.  

I don’t know why the drone attacked my camp, but it was definitely not an accident. Those drones are well designed machines and only do as they are told. Someone would of  had to have been controlling the drone, in order for it to work. They also would have had to either, have high ranking military power, or access to my phone, in order for them to give the commands. It couldn’t have been someone in my unit, seeing as they are all dead now, but what I do not understand is why I am the only one living. I was no different from the others. Disagreeing with commands, but eventually doing what we were told, was expected of my unit. If the authorities had a problem with it, why not kill us all? Why leave only me alive? I will most likely never get these answers, but that doesn’t matter. I have to draw attention to the issues of this government. I have to keep running.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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