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Your POV:

I took a deep breath knocking on the flat door as Rye answered smiling at me. "Is Brook there?" I questioned and he nodded letting me in. He's been avoiding me for awhile and it was kind of worrying. 'Have I done something wrong?' I asked myself.

"Y/Ns here" Rye cheered and everyone hugged me but Brook who walked straight passed without making and sort of contact, Rye gave me a weird look and I shrugged.

"What's up with you two?" Jack asked and I shrugged again sitting on the sofa with my head in my hands. "You two were okay last week?" I just sighed.

"I honestly have no idea Jack, does he not love me anymore..?" I croaked a tear falling down my cheek as Andy furiously shook his head.

"Of course he loves you Y/N, he's probably just having a bad week?" He spoke up and I laughed.

"I'm suppose to be his girlfriend Andy! He should be able to tell me things" I sighed. "He's gonna break up with me isn't he?" I suddenly heard heavy footsteps enter the room and I looked up finding Brooklyn.

"Y/N can I talk to you in private?" I only nodded smiling at the boys. "D-do you really think I-I don't love you?" He sobbed and I only nodded looking down blushing. He lifted my chin up with his fingers making me look at him, his hair was a mess and his eyes were blood shot.

"Y/N I'm in love with you! I'd never break up with you, I just have a lot going on at the moment..I really do love you Y/N you're my whole world" I blushed and he smiled leaning down to kiss me.

"I love you Brooklyn" he kissed me again smiling into the kiss.

"I love you too Princess more than you will EVER know" he smiled holding my hand as we walked back inside to make musical.lys with the others.

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