The necklace.

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Division agent: Cadence  Ukyo
Dec 4th
11:41 am
Base of operations, Post office

"Hey, I got you a puppy!"

Kaden said as I walked past him. I looked at the dog. It was a Maltese. He put it down on the ground as it tripped over its paws.  I stared blankly with no expression as the dog waddled over to me.

"well aren't you going to say something?" He asked.

"umm don't you think this is too much, after all we are going to be in tons of firefights so we could die anytime." I replied.

"Why are you always so negative. Ever since I met you at summer camp when we were kids you just always had a blank expression, show some happiness or love."

He said. The Maltese was in my arms by the time he finished that sentence.

"What should we name it?" I asked.

"I was thinking, Brandon"

"that's nice." I said.

Brandon was panting in my arms. Kaden walked over to me.

"Hey, just because New York fell, doesn't mean you should worry. I'll protect you." He said with a reassuring smile on his face. I forced a smile on my nervous face. Suddenly he hugged me. I pressed my face into his right arm.

"I know, I just get really terrified of the world right now. So let's fight to make it safe again." I confessed.

He stepped back. "I have to go, see you later."

He said. I raised my hand to try to grab his jacket, he dodged it. Brandon was next to me on the floor. I picked up Brandon and walked out of the clinic.

"Hey, one of our spies found out that the cleaners are headed towards Amherst's Apartment." A Jtf officer said as he ran towards me.

Brandon started growling. I blinked. The Jtf officer handed me my backpack.

"And we need you and agent Kaden to go there and investigate." He said

I put on my backpack as Brandon licked my arm.

"Alright, I will be there in less than 30 minutes."  I assured him.

He saluted me and walked away. I walked to my locker and set Brandon down to walk. I pulled out my Barret REC 7 and inserted a fresh magazine. Brandon barked happily.

"You are going to have to stay close okay?" I told Brandon.

He wagged his tale as a response. I picked him up and set him in my locker. He sat down and tilted his furry head. I put my holster on for my .44 magnum and inserted my Magnum in it. I attached my Barret Rec 7 onto the side of my Go bag and picked up Brandon.

"Let's go get you some puppy supplies before I have to go." I told Brandon

I put Brandon in the front pocket of my back pack. He popped out his head and started panting. I started walking towards the exit of the building.  A JTF officer ran to me and opened his mouth to speak as I continued walking.

"You know, Rioters are by your apartment!" He yelled.

"How fun!" I yelled back.

I pulled out my Rec 7 and started running for the exit. Brandon went inside of my bag. I zipped it up so he wouldn't fall out.

"Glad to see you here." A civilian said as I ran past her.

I put in my earphones and started listening to Muse as I ran across the street.  "Plug in baby" was playing as I jumped on top of the abandoned cars. I ran towards the apartment complex to set up Brandon's living space. To my surprise, no rioters were there. I aimed my Rec 7 around to see if there were any rioters in cover. Nothing. I walked towards the entrance.

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