Your brothers best friend (Z.H)

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Your POV

You were casually sitting on your bed when you heard the front door open and close. You yelled to see if it was your brother...

You: Jonah?!

Jonah: Ya what?!

you: just making sure you weren't someone breaking in

Jonah: Nope just me and Zach

You: ok (Zach was your crush so you tried to avoid him as much as possible)

You went back to your room and started watching youtube again. You were watching Logan Paul (he was your favorite) and he had just uploaded a new video. It was a song, You clicked on it and started watching it and then you realized that the faces looked awfully familiar. It was your brother!

You: Jonah (nobody answered) Jonah!?!!

Jonah: Jesus y/n....What?!!??!?

(you ran downstairs)

You: you never told me you were doing a song with Logan Paul!

Jonah: haha ya I knew you would freak out, I got you something.

(you walked into the room and almost ran straight into Zach.... awkward)

You: what is it (you didn't look at Zach who was staring at your ass right now)

Jonah: Merch (he through a sweater at you)

You: yay thanks! (Zach is still staring at your ass) Oh hey Zach

Zach: huh? (he says confused) oh hi (he turns bright red)

You walk out and try to hold in your laughter. you can here them talking and then start to laugh.

Zach's POV

I've only met Y/n once or twice but she's so beautiful and perfect. She is athletic, hot, funny, kind, beautiful and super sexy. And I just embarrassed myself.... of corse. I was staring at her and she caught me.

Jonah: were you staring at my lil sisters' ass again bro?

Zach: Uhh.. no

Jonah: yes you were (he laughs)

Zach: Maybe for a minute (he laughs)

Jonah: you know you can ask her out I don't care

Zach: Ya I know but she doesn't like me

Jonah: Haha ok whatever helps you sleep at night (he laughed and whispered under his breath "scared much")

Zach: I'm not scared!

Jonah: umm

Zach: watch

I walked out to the room and went upstairs to where y/n was in her room. She was playing the same video game as Jonah and I were.

Zach: You could play with us if you wanted

Your POV

You heard Zach coming upstairs and jumped into your bed as quick as you humanly could to pretend like you weren't eavesdropping. He pushed the door open and looked at you then at the TV...

Zach: you could play with us you know

You: Uhh ya I guess I could (you looked down blushing)

Zach: I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out sometime?

You: sure that would be fun. When?

Zach: Tomorrow?

You: sure ill see you then

Zach: Cool... can I uhh.. have your number?

You: sure don't be so nervous (you laughed at him)

You give it to him and he smiles like he won a million dollars.

Zach: see you tomorrow

You: ya bye

Zach's POV

I ran downstairs and shoved my phone in Jonah's face showing him the number.

jonah: haha yay Zachy

Zach: Shut up


haha, I like this should I do a part 2?

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