Late Audition

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Mallory P.O.V.

   I groan as I turn around and pick up my phone. Whitney. What was she doing ringing at 9:25 in the morning? And on a SUNDAY! I answer the phone.
   "What?" I ask a bit crossly. (She had woken me up as I was having an amazing dream, to be fair!)
   "Mal! Where ARE you?" Whitney says.
   "What do you mean where am I?" I glance at my calendar. Today is... the 20th of August. Hm... the 20th of August. Why does that date ring a bell? Then it hit me.
   "Oh no!" I gasp. "I completely forgot!" 
   "HOW could you POSSIBLY forget?!" Whitney exclaims. "We've been rehearsing for weeks!"
   "I don't know!" I say. "I'll be there ASAP!"
   "Mal, HURRY! I'm just finished! Your audition starts in 15 minutes!" she says.
   I quickly hang up. How could I have forgotten? We had been rehearsing our auditions for WEEKS! Today I was going to audition for a comedy show called "Studio C"! It was my life dream! This is what I had wanted to do ALL my life!
I run into the bathroom but then I look at my watch. 9:35. Never mind. I'll just have to skip my shower and do without brushing my teeth and doing my makeup today.
   I quickly pull on my tracksuit that had been laying on the floor since yesterday. I dive into my wardrobe and pull out the first thing I see. It was a mustard-yellow jumper. Probably the most horrible thing in my entire wardrobe. (Which is pretty small by the way!) I don't even bother changing it. I hurriedly slip on my navy Toms.
I run down stairs and quickly grab my car-keys and house-keys. I run out the door and lock it before hopping into my car and turning the key.
   Ok. It takes 40 minutes to get to BYU Broadcasting Building Building. It was now 9:40. I was supposed to be meeting Whitney there at 9:00 and my audition starts in 5 minutes! Oh no! I am now speeding as fast as I possibly can to Provo. (I only broke the speed limit by 10km per hour!) I arrive at 10:15 That's half an hour late! Now I just have to find room 23 on the 2nd floor. I run up the stairs as fast as my legs can carry me. I see room 23. I barge in without knocking. I did it. I may look like a tramp that got attacked by a pitbull but I did it. And I was only 30 minutes late.

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