Love at First Sight 💘

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Matt P.O.V.

"I think the today went pretty good, to be honest," I say to Jared whilst we were clearing up after the auditions. "Definitely the best day so far. There were a few really good ones that stood out."
"There were. I really liked that Whitney girl. And James. They were probably my favourites," he replies.
"What about Jason and Stacey?" I ask. "They were really good too!" I say.
"Just then Whitney barges in. GAH! Is Mallory here yet?"
   "Mallory?" I ask. "Mallory Everton, the last girl that didn't show up?"
   "Yes, Mallory!" she says. "She slept in! Typical Mallory!"
   "So will Mallory be coming, do you know?" I ask Whitney.
   "YES! She's coming! Don't clear up yet! I'll give her a ring, 2 minutes!"
   Just as Whitney takes her phone out of her pocket, a girl, Mallory, I presume, runs in. She stops and pants for a minute and then says "Hi. Sorry, I'm...late."
She was really out of breath. She had no makeup, was wearing a tracksuit and (no offence to her) one of the most horrible jumpers I have ever seen in my entire life. She honestly looked like a tramp that got attacked by a pitbull. Now, I'm gonna be honest, she didn't look the most attractive but there is just something about her that made my heart go all mushy -it was a weird sensation, I can't really explain it.
   "MALLORY!" Whitney screams. "You came. FINALLY!"
   Whitney rushes out the door whilst whispering "good luck!" to Mallory on her way out.
Jared looks at the list of people that auditioned. "Ah. You must be Mallory Everton," he says.
"Yes, I'm Mallory," she says. "I came for the audition. Am I too late?"
"Hi Mallory," I say. "Actually, the auditions finished up 40 minutes ago. You were the last. But I guess we can spare some time for you, right Jared?"
   "I suppose, yes," he says. "We'll give you the exact same as the others. 10 minutes, no more. We are gonna ask you some questions, get you to act out a scene and then you can go home and you'll know by next week whether or not you got in. Does that sound good?"
   Jared is always very strict for these kind of things.
Mallory nods. "Sounds great! Thank you so much!"

Mallory P.O.V.

"Can you tell us a bit about yourself Mallory?" Jared says.
"Well, my name is Mallory Everton. I'm 22 and I'm from Oregon. I was 10 when I became interested in acting. I was the leading role in my school play. Since then I've gotten a few more roles in small plays and a few pantomimes. I really enjoyed it but it just wasn't right. Later I realised that I wanted to do comedy. Then Whitney told me about Studio C. It's what both of us had wanted to do all our lives. I remember, sometimes in plays, I would change some lines or actions because I thought it suited my character better. They didn't like that. But Studio C, we can write the sketches ourselves. And I love that. It's a great way for me to show who I really am and to be myself. And, I have a chance to meet life-long friends and it's just perfect."
I look up at Jared and... what's the other guy's name?
"Sorry um... what's your name?" I ask him. Oops. That came out a bit rude.
I look up to find him staring into my eyes. Really... intensely. My eyes fix into a trance. I'm staring into his eyes. I can't help myself. It's something about him that makes my heart melt. Am I... falling in love?! No! Of course not! How can I fall in love with someone I don't even know! But maybe... could it be... love at first sight?
"Matt!" Jared says suddenly. I quickly snap out of my trance. So does Matt. (I'm pretty sure that's what Jared called him) "She asked you a question!"
"Oh, um sorry," Matt says, avoiding eye contact with me. "I'm Matt." He blushes. It's so cute. Could he have been feeling the same sensation as me?

Matt P.O.V.

What just happened? my brain asks me. I've never fallen in love before. Is this what falling in love feels like? I glance at Mallory. She's looking at her feet and blushing. Neither of us say anything so Jared says "well, Mallory. Would you mind acting out a short scene for us please?"
"Yes!" Mallory says. "I mean, no. I mean, no I wouldn't mind. Acting out. The...scene."
She looks just as confused as me. Jared hands her a script. She scans through it for a while then puts down the script. She couldn't possibly know it off by heart, could she?
"Off you go, so," Jared says.
Mallory takes a deep breath. All the nerves she seems to have all disappeared as she started acting. She acted the scene perfectly. She was amazing. I look at Jared. He nods at me. There's no doubt about it. Mallory is perfect for Studio C. Today was a great day. I've never really believed in love at first sight. But now I do...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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