chapter thirteen

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Camila's head perked when she heard her bedroom door slowly creak open.

"Mama? I think I'm feeling well enough to go back to school tomorrow." The girl insisted.

"Yeah? I'd hope so." Lauren said with a grin and a small laugh, closing the door behind her.

Camila's face broke into a small smile. "Laur, what're you doing here?" she questioned.

"Checking up on you. I heard you weren't feeling too good after our little midnight swim?" The raven haired girl giggled and took a seat next in the chair next to her.

"Yeah, I think it's just a cold. I'm feeling a lot better actually. My mom still didn't want me to go in to school though." She sighed in return. "Was I the only one who got sick?"

"Yeah. Although Colson did say that the chlorine was really bad for his hair." Lauren said in a serious tone before they both burst with laughter.

"Poor thing" Camila giggled and shook her head. The two girls sat in a comfortable silence as Camila thought to herself. Shawn was right. She had to at least start somewhere and ask Lauren some questions.

"Did you make out with Colson?" she asked, hoping she didn't reveal through her facial expressions how much she wanted the answer to be no.

"What?" The raven haired girl laughed. "No, of course not." Camila let out a small sigh of relief and relaxed once she heard this. "Why do you ask?"

Camila tensed again. "Well, you two disappeared on the camping trip. Everyone was saying you two were together." she admitted.

Lauren looked down at her lap with a small sigh before spinning the desk chair around to fully face the girl.

"So, remember when you and Shawn were talking?" Camila nodded in return and let out a small grunt. "Well I thought the two of you deserved some privacy to talk everything through. So I left to kill some time looking for something to drink with Colson." She explained. "After we did that we started talking and one thing led to another."

Camila's heart fell to her stomach for a second. "Oh." She simply replied, trying not to look too disappointed.

"He tried to kiss me but I turned my face away." The green eyes girl continued and Camila raised a brow.

"Geez." She let out a small laugh. "And what about him?"

"He asked me why I didn't want to kiss him." Lauren smiled and shook her head.

"And how did you answer back?"

"I told him I had a fake boyfriend back in Miami." She laughed. "And after I started telling him these made up stories about some fake boyfriend he started telling me stories about his crazy ex-girlfriends."

Camila laughed in return as she listened to the girl's story.

"And the more we talked, the more we drank and we eventually ended up in the pool. That's where you found us." She giggled. "It was a pretty wild night."

Camila smiled silently back to her before letting out a sigh. "I guess you must have drunk like hell at Colson's party then." she giggled.

The ivory skinned girl beside her furrowed her brow and shook her head with a laugh, "What do you mean?"

"Well... I mean, if you drank all night when we went on the camping trip and you still remember everything pretty clearly, just imagine how much you must have drank at Colson's party to black out. You must have been completely wasted." Camila smiled innocently with a short chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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