~Another Deal?~

523 17 10

(Wilson's P.O.V)

It's been weeks since I became insane. It's been weeks since everyone left me. It's been weeks since I've eaten. I can't find any food at this mental state. I looked at my arm, laying on a table. My wrist was marked all the way around. I rose my axe in the air and began to tremble.

"Just a little piece... I won't miss it. I'll just use science and grow a new one!(hand)"


I began to laugh maniacally, and shouted.


I was covered in my own blood, along with my axe.

After a while I calmed down and looked at my severed hand, laying on the ground. I began to scold myself,

"How could I have been so STUPID? I can't eat this! No matter how hungry I get."

"Now I only have one hand... How am I supposed to work now? I'll die in this wretched place!"

I felt a stinging pain shoot through my arm. "It hurts..."

"Hey Pal..."

A shadow like hand rose from the ground where I sat.

"What ya doing just sitting there? You better do somethin about that wound of yours."


"Tsk! Why do you care Maxwell? I'm going to die anyway. Isn't that what you want?"

"Come now Higgsbury. No need for that unnecessary attitude"

"I'm the only friend you got now. Don't you see?"

One shadow hand gripped my good arm and shoved it behind my back, another gripping my bleeding one tightly.


"Not like the others who left you all alone..."

His wicked smile become visible to me.

"...fumbling in darkness."

"Why are you doing this Maxwell? Wasn't sending me to this forsaken place good enough for you? ...or do you enjoy watching me suffer?"

"Tempting as it may be... I see a lot of potential in you."

"It would be a shame for it to go to waste..."

"That's why I feel I need to give you a little push to keep you going

Just for a little longer..."

Shadows wrap around my bad arm, forming a new arm entirely made of the black shadows.


"Things are going to get a lot more interesting from now on...

...Don't you think?"

The shadows let me go as they and Maxwell vanish.

What has he done to me?

(A/n: No, this doesn't belong to me, original comic belongs to ZombiDJ on deviantart! And yes, I have altered it a bit to fit the story, hope this doesn't cause any trouble to anyone. Thank you.)

[OLD] When there's a Wilson,there is a way.(Wilson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now