A Miracle is healed

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Bonnie stared at Midnight angrily, "now what?" Midnight held onto his hand happily as she led him through the village towards the castle. Murmurs were heard throughout the town as well as looks of judgement or disbelief.

Characters of different color and origins were spread all over town.

"Black shadows - modern shadows
Purple shadows - special shadows
Dark Blue shadows - servant shadows
White shadows - doctor shadows
Grey shadows - Weathering shadows
Crimson Shadows - the double shadow
And Electric blue shadows - bartering shadows

All have different purposes " Midnight explains while walking through the town with Bonnie. He didn't pay her much attention, he just wanted Freddy back.

"Black shadows are warriors in battle also the guardsmen and women of this city, a great friend to have on your side. Purple shadows are connected to royalty by blood, they sent many of them but as you can see you are one-"

"Wait, I'm royalty?" Bonnie interrupted

"Yes Now don't interrupt Darling~ Dark Blue shadows, like myself, are like servants/ emotional companions. We help as much as possible but I think im breaking my traditional role a bit! Look my arms are already being rainbows!!..White shadows heal the sick an wounded, really good for making elixirs and spells... Grey shadows work any job they can to satisfy the royal family. Great at arguing for the truth. Crimson shadows are spies and assassins. Very sneaky and they make good money. Electric blue shadows sell things and trade, be careful they don't always make fair deals-" at that moment and electric blue shadow came up selling a black sword.

"Hello there! This is a black sword from the actual shadow wars! Want this one? It was used by captain Shadow Bonnie!"

"No thanks, im much more powerful with my hands~" midnight flirted before continuing walking.

Soon both stopped in front of the huge looming castle of black stone. Midnight pushed open the door and saw an empty castle. Perfect for her plan.

"Go sit on the throne,"

"No I'm not doing that! It looks dank!"

"Go. Sit. On. The. Throne!" She shouted as she shoved Bonnie onto the throne herself. "Welcome home prince!!" Suddenly shadows of all sizes and color emerged from the cracks of the castle walls. Their lost prince was home!! Bonnie stood up confused and tried to escape but the other shadows were too powerful. Midnight leaned close to Bonnie's face, in which he leaned back until his head hit the throne back. Midnight sealed the gap between them with a betrothal kiss. In the shadow realm when a female shadow has found her mate for life she gives her male suitor the betrothal kiss. Midnight immediately smiled in victory. Another thing about the kiss that many didn't know was once you sealed the kiss, shadow babies would be formed. Yes, Midnight was now carrying Bonnie's children, but he didn't know that. Bonnie stood up and dashed through the halls searching for Freddy. Midnight let him go as she started to prepare for her babies arrival.

Bonnie eventually found a spiral staircase that led to the under ground. He quickly dashed down each step calling out for his lost love. Eventually, he calls were answered as he found the cell that contained Freddy.

Bonnie easily burst down the cell door and took Freddy into his arms. He held him close and kissed her lips with the upmost passion. Freddy wrapped his arms around Bonnie's waist as they both melted into the kiss.

Bonnie opened a portal home and brought Freddy through to the treehouse where they continued their make out session till they fell asleep on the bed. Bonnie watched Freddy sleep for awhile u sure of his safety. He wasn't about to let Freddy out of his sight again... but after staring at his soulmate for several hours, his eye lids began to Droop and sag with weight. He let sleep succumb him into darkness. He melted into the night.

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