Chapter Thirteen

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February 12th, - - - -

Dear Nocte,

So we’ve made it to the second semester. Congrats to us! This semester I have Black and White Spells… and we both know how I can’t cast a spell to save my life! Maybe you can give me some tips?

Nocte smiled.

Thankfully I have soccer to distract me from incantations and reading textbooks! There’s only been one tryout so far, but I’m really excited about the whole thing, in case you forgot how crazy I can be. ;P

Last week, our Head Boy organized a charity for the underprivileged children in Iavindat. Those poor children… Maybe you and I could go to Iavind during the summer to help them out? As I was saying, the charity event was beautiful, absolutely stunning. You would have liked it, or at least the food anyway.

I’m still sad that we couldn’t get together over the winter holidays, but I understand how close your family is.

New Years must have been stressful as always.

Sorry for the short letter, but I hope that we can see each other soon.

Your friend,

Aman Rafiki

“I-I’m going to the library,” Savvy said, scrambling about the room.

Nocte lowered Aman’s letter to see her roommate gathering books into her arms. “Again?”

“Erm,” Savvy faltered, a light blush on her cheeks. “Yes.”

“Do you want me to come with?” Nocte asked, putting down the letter.

“Oh, no!” Savvy exclaimed. “I’ll be fine.”

Nocte managed to stop the frown from forming on her lips and watched her nervous roommate curiously.

Ever since talking to Professor Jóhannsdóttir last Friday, Savvy had been going to the library all week to study White Spells. But every time Nocte offered to go with her, the blonde would be horrified by the idea, as if embarrassed about her lack of proficiency in the subject.

Nocte knew that she should give Savvy some space. Sometimes when they were cooped up in the same room, they rubbed each other wrong and resented each other. But that didn’t mean Nocte wasn’t concerned for Savvy, who’d been obsessing over White Spells for the past few days now.

The thing with Savvy was that she always needed to worry. First with Nocte in November and now White Spells. She always forgot to have fun, something more fun than ice cream at midnight and cake for breakfast.

“Hey, Savvy?” Nocte called.

“Y-Yes?” the blonde answered, hand posed over the door.

“Let’s go shopping this weekend,” Nocte suggested with a smile. “I’m running out of pens.”

Noir had been “borrowing” a lot of them lately.

Surprised, Savvy stared at the floor thoughtfully.

Nocte noted her hesitation and said, “It’s just that… I don’t get to see you much anymore. You’re always at the library.”

Guilty, Savvy stuttered, “Al-All right. Let’s go.”

Nocte smiled. She knew it was underhanded to guilt trip Savvy, but her roomie really had to get out more, to breathe some new air.

“I’ll call Siyamak,” Nocte said with finality.

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