Chapter 7

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You awoke in a dim room, your body aching and your head hurting as if you had a hangover the night before. You remembered the events before falling unconscious, you closed your eyes and smiled. Your mother was probably scolding you from the other side saying, "(y/n)! How many times have I told you to not open your eye! Only in the most dire emergencies must you use it!" Her finger swaying from side to side as she yelled at you.

Sitting up you noticed that someone was next to you, you felt their hair graze against your arm. You also noticed that you had clothes on and weren't nude, blushing at the thought you turned to see who decided to help you.

It was All Might, he had a chair he was sitting on and was asleep right next to you. Your eyes softened as you saw him, he was your saviour. You were expecting Izuku, or possibly Bakugo.

You stroked his head, his eyes slowly opening, bags visible under his eyes.

"Good morning." You said, he only looked at you before bolting up and taking your hands in his large bony hands.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

You blushed and sighed, "I'm fine. Just hungry as fuck." You got up from the bed, removing his grasp. He flinched and watched you walk to his kitchen to find something to eat.

There was an apple on the counter, you decided to pick it up and wash it in the sink. Biting into it, you closed your eyes as you chewed, remembering the events again.

You looked around All Might's place, it was a simple cozy home any other person would have, you walked to the sofa and sat down. Turning on the TV you watched the news channel, some about last night's events and others about a mysterious person showing up in town.

All Might entered the room and sat down next to you,

"I'm gonna have to take you back to Young Midoriya's house, just so you know."

"Yes, sir." You said as you bit into the apple again, oddly enough you felt at peace with yourself in this room.

Sighing you got up and stretched, your bones cracking back into place.

"I'm going out, find me if you need me."

You walked out of his complex, breathing in the air you were going to go to your happy place. You noticed the sun was going to set, which made it better since you always got a good look at the stars.

You made it, the tree in the same place, this is where Izuku had met you. The cliff was close to your spot where you laid, you heard the waves crashing against the terrain.

You let yourself sink near the tree, you felt your pressure being taken off your shoulders, your body becoming one with nature. Your higher spiritual self at peace, no sadness, only balance laid ahead.

The stars glistening in the sky, you always would ask yourself, 'What if I went to that Galaxy?'

Your imagination was full of wonders, everything you've seen changed you into the present you.

You're the independent person, the one with only a couple of friends along the way, making mistakes and fixating them. You were judged by those who thought they were the supreme race or person, you never minded though. You knew they were just idiots trying to grab you and drag you down into a fire pit.

To be at peace is something you really love, you forget your stress and it's only filled with your happy moments.

The wind leaving light kisses against your body as it flowed north from where you had been laying. You smiled as you laid, you can only imagine your mother lying there next to you, not furious but at peace with herself as well.

You took off the bandage on your arm and tied it around the tree,

"If I die remember me by this, you guys."

You laid back down and fell asleep, the day came to an end and it was about that time.


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