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"What do you mean a new songwriter?!" Yoongi yelled. I didn't even bother saying anything about his extremely rude behavior.

Bang pd-nim nodded and sighed "She's just here to help you out, your still going to be the main songwriter. We just need an extra person to help since namjoon is taking a break from writing"

Yoongi turned and gave me a deadly glare. I just ignored him.
Man... do people actually Stan this guy? The douchebag next to me? Hmph, those girls are crazy.

"Well I can just write songs myself! Why do I need help?!" he said and raised his voice

Pd-nim sighed "She's one of the best writers in the industry, she can make you guys a huge internationally!"

I smiled proudly from the praise but yoongi looked real pissed which brought my mood down again.

"I don't care send her back!" I glared at him

"Ya! I'm a human too! You shouldn't treat people badly because life isn't going your way!" I blurted out but my eyed widened and I covered my mouth and I mumbled and apology and bowed my head.

Pd-nim looked at me and nodded "No Mina, the good thing about being a songwriting is geting to spill your feelings and opinions without judgement and lots of cash"

I blushed shyly and my nervous heartbeat slowed down to normal pace.

"Yoongi, the decision is final. It's either the both of you or only Mona. Your choice." Pd-nim said and then walked out of the room

After the little meeting I stood up to walk out but yoongi just sat there. It was obvious that he was pissed, I shrugged and started to walk out. He quickly came up behind me and grabbed my wrist to turn me around.

My eyes widened as I gave him a dirty and confused look "What do you want?!"

He let go of my wrist and crossed his arms over his chest. Wow so intimidating. "Listen Mina, or whatever your name is. I don't appreciate sasaengs pretending to be songwriters, so please just leave now before I call the police."

I scoffed and looked at him. This boi actually thinks I'm a sasaeng. I faked a laugh and replied. "Haha funny, listen pretty boy." I said coldly "I'm no sasaeng, I'm not super happy about this job either, so I'm gonna do my thing and you're gonna do yours."

He looked at me as if he couldn't believe what I just said "watch your mouth when you're around me" he said coldly but I just scoffed. "whatever." I said and walked out.

As I walked out I heard him groan in anger but I ignored it and I headed towards the exit. I quickly stopped to see bang pd-nim right in front of me.

"Omo! Pd-nim you scared me!" I said to him as I put my hand to my hard in an attempt to calm my heartbeat.

He chuckles and smiles at me "oh I'm sorry Mina! I just wanted you to meet the other members before you go"

Great more douchebags. I quickly faked a smile. "Sounds great!" I said and he smiles at me brightly "follow me!" He said

He started walking towards a hallway and I quietly followed. Once we entered the hallway I peeked into every room to see what was inside.

I slowly stop as I see a door labeled The songwriting room. I peeked inside and I saw the most beautiful room filled with artwork and literature. And in the center was two small desks.

I started to go in but Bang pd-nim stopped me. "Wrong room Mina, it's this room" he says and points to the room at the end of the hall. I quickly step out and go to the room that he pointed to and I look inside.

I saw the 6 other members of BTS and they all seemed a lot more cheerful to have me there, which was very comforting. I bowed and introduced my self and they did the same.

These boys are a lot more respectful than yoongi also. And overall they just seemed like good people unlike someone.

The leader namjoon came up to me "Hello, I'm Kim Namjoon. It's really nice to meet you Mina and thank you so much for helping out with songwriting!" He said sweetly. NOW THIS IS HOW A PERSON SHOULD TREAT A NEW SONGWRITER! TAKE NOTES YOONGI!

We talked for a bit about song writing and about my past works and then jungkook came over. "Hello noona!" He said cutely

"Hi jungkook! It's nice to me you!" I said to him and smiled.  He's so adorable, he's like a lil bunny.

After a while all of the boys came and we talked in a huge group. And they're all so sweet! Taehyung gave me a hug and welcomed me to the company, Jin blew me a kiss which was a bit weird but it's okay because he's REALLY handsome. Hoseok is just a ball of sunshine and his smile is extremely contagious. Jimin was a bit on the mysterious side but he was still extremely sweet and kind.

We were all in they room for hours and we played games and we laughed and told jokes. I don't understand how yoongi gets along with these guys.

I hung out with the boys for a really long time, so long that it was 8pm by the time we realized how late it was. We his our goodbyes and they all wished me luck on my first day of work tomorrow.

I imagined my work day tomorrow as I headed home.

Aish... tomorrow is gonna be a long day


OMFG THIS IS A REALLY SHORT INTRO BUT IT WILL DO! I'm not very sure if this story is a good idea so please comment or dm me if you want me to continue the story. But this could be the last chap lmao.

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