Internal Battles

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"You called me Ash. I like it," he said grinning meekly, "And you're right I'm sorry."

He put his hand into his pocket then pulled out the key for my dorm room. Ashton opened my door, and I gasped.


My dorm was huge, and I didn't even have to share it with anyone. It was modern and looked like an apartment. I had my own small furnished living room and kitchen with bar stools, so I could eat at the island in the center. The dorm had wood flooring through out all the rooms. There was a door that led me to my bedroom. Inside, a queen sized bed with a light lavender comforter sat in the middle grandly. My walls were painted a cream color. Over many of the surfaces there were lavender candles to make it feel more homely. Ben's interior designer did well, I thought, appreciatively.

I felt a warm hard chest pressed against my back lightly. My heart picked up at the nearness of Ashton. His delicious smell filled my nose, and I resisted the urge to turn around and put my face in the crook of his neck to have his smell completely surround me. Instead, I looked up slightly backwards at him and smiled sweetly.

"I love this. I'm so happy," I remarked about my new dorm room.

He wore his genuine smile then swept my hair behind my ear.

"This place looks amazing," he commented.

He moved from behind me to wheel my luggage into the room. I instantly missed the warmth of his body next to mine. I pouted slightly but took the look off my face when he caught me and grinned devilishly.

He raised his eyebrows, "Looks like I got you hooked," he said the former cocky Ashton back.

I rolled my eyes, "As if," I said sarcastically.

He laughed and dimples formed on his cheeks making him look even more cute, if that were possible.

"You have dimples," I said grinning, all traces of anger gone.

He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"What you don't like them?" I asked confused.

"No, not really. I don't look as manly," he said half joking.

"No, believe me, you do," I said without thinking.

My mouth dropped, and I turned red with embarrassment. I looked down and began to walk out of my room when I heard his booming laugh. He quickly caught me from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"I'm sorry. I'll be nicer now. Don't be mad at me please," he whispered into my ear making me shiver.

I could hardly think, and my breath got caught in my throat. I lightly leaned into his chest further and was amazed and confused at how he could be so comfortable with such a muscular chest. He moaned slightly, and I snuggled in a little closer not thinking about it. A small part of me was yelling at myself to put space between Ashton and I because he was a player, but a huge part of me was tingling with happiness over his closeness. That's when I realized I was suppose to be living my life in the present and not worrying so much. That made up my mind. I would live in the present, and I would do what I want. What I happened to want right now was to be close to Ashton.

He seemed to be slightly out of breath too, and I was glad I had the same effect on him.

"I'm not mad Ash," I whispered turning around so that we were chest to chest.

He groaned slightly, and I flushed placing my head in the crook of his neck. My heart was beating fast, but I immediately calmed once I was surrounded by his smell. His arms went to wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer.

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