Chapter 14

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Director Kang POV

Once it strikes midnight,I will kill both Hoojin and Taehyung.
I even prepare a gun.


Its finally midnight now.
Goodbye Hoojin and Taehyung dear.
See you again in heavan.

I walk to Taehyung's room first.
When I try to open the door,suddenly police surrounded me.
What just happen?!
Hoojin walk out from her room,wearing a high-class dress.
She take out a paper from her purse and put it in front of my face.

"I have bought up this asylum"
"W-what...,"I was in a daze.
"Goodbye,Director Kang and your precious little bunch of useless guards"

She smirk and the police take me to the police car together with the other guards.
I thought my plan work but it turns out that I fail it without knowing.

And so I was in jail for my whole life.

"I am the king!!No one can stop me!HaHa!!"

A/N Notes

So,Director Kang is put to jail for his whole life.
Pratically,the moment he was in jail,he is diagnose with mental illness.
Even the doctor cannot help him.
He died in the mental asylum after a few months later.

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