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Abel POV

"Ms. Abel... Mr. Marquez already waiting for you at the office, you can come in" said the secretary

"Thank you" i smile to her and then i come to my... I don't want to call him what, for now just let say my boss.

I knock the door.

"Come in"

And then i come in.

"You can sit Abel, don't be so formal" He said with a smile

And then i take a seat in front him.

"Thank you sir" I said.

"Abel i've told you to call me dad right..."

Okay... I forgot

"Sorry si... Dad"

And then he chukled.

"Abel i want to ask you something, something very important."
"i have consider you as my own daughter"
He ask with very serious tone.

I glup, and i think what have i done this time. I'm good girl... Okay maybe not very good, but i think i didn't do anything wrong RN

"I want you to marry my first son"
Said him with one breath.

HOLY.....  don't srew i said in my heart

"W-what did you just said dad" i said remain to calm. Maybe i just miss heard. Maybe.

"Abel... I want you marry my first son. I want you to be his wife. I want you to be my daughter in law" he said very firmly.

Okay i didn't miss heard

I can't handle this... Let me curse once


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