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She saw him again laughing with his mates holding his favorite cock. He was about to open the door when she finally screamed in anger. No food, no pennies, nothing to drink, no love in her eyes, only flames in her glare. She could not imagine how life turns out to be this way, it all started that day of her mother's farewell. The man quietly put his cock on its place then took a nap from a long day cockfights. She hated him, a useless good for nothing stranger. She provided all the things for her family including his medicines even if it costs to lose her dignity as a woman working in a night club house. On her graduation day, the man placed a present in her bed. She did not allow him to come with her, she didn't know that he's secretly watched her walking in the stage with pride and honor holding her diploma, smiling vibrantly. Tears trickle down his face and at that last moment he smiled beautifully until he fell and closed his eyes eternally.


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