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I feel cold like I've been thrown into a large dark frigid room, you've thrown be away like I was nothing to you like all our memories were destroyed in the burning pits of hell. You not only hurt me but you broke our friendship saying that I didn't know enough about you or saying that I wasn't able to understand what its like to be you. You told me that why hold onto friends that they were never gonna be there in the end but I promise I will show you! I don't need a million friends all I need is one because one friend true loyal friend is better than 200 "social media friends". I was hurt by you a lot but it only really showed me that I needed better walls and not to trust someone as easily as I did you, but you knew I was vulnerable and you knew I've already been hurt so why hurt someone who's already on their last strand of health? 

3:26 am 

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