Act III - Chapter 03《Eternal night》

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Fire. The bright burning lights flickering around him. He could feel his breath getting heavier as he can hear the raspy voices. The ringing sound filled his hearing, making strange sound that overcome his surrounding. His vision was blurred with bright colours of red and black. His optics began to adjusted back to normal, the azure optics grown larger in a second.

The room he was originally in was destroyed in half, half of the room was knocked down and left exposed to the outside. Black scorched marks painted the whole room that once blue. Datapads littered on the ground, some of them was broken and some was cracked on the screen. The once beautiful painting of Iacon now burned into half. The white glass vase lay in pieces as the blue flowers wilted due the heat of fire.

  Orion coughed once, the soreness began to appear. He coughed again, taking the thick smoke out. He slowly raised from his position and then leaned into a wall near him. He slowly limped out of the room and still leaning into the wall, or what remains of its. The heat was gradual but it began to make him to feel burn.

Shaking in fatigues, he tried to raised his fist to the tall door that leads to other hallways. The one that lead him to the exit. He pushed the button once, waited for another seconds before pushing it again. He stared at the cracked screen of the door panel. It was malfuctioning. He raised his fist again and pound.

One hand raised while the other was dripping energon.

The first pounding was released. The loud clang can be heard.

The second pounding was released. The result was a mere dent on the door. The blue mech coughed once and heaved.

The third pounding was released. The dent grow larger than the first one. He slide down and then leaned on the door.

"T-This is...grandmas...ter...orion pax, son of...a-alpha trion...i..i..." he coughed out as his breath began to hitched. The azure optics began to dim out slowly before shut down. The blue and red frame covered in ash and energon as its still leaking from his arm. Dripping down to the floor, creating puddle of neon blue.

  The fire kept growing larger and larger, leaving only little room to breath, let alone to move. The mech stay limp while the fire began to gather around him.

" the trial thats has begun. Rise, the Choosen one, by the power you have earn. I grant you a little gift to aid you in this rising tide of darkness. May you used it wise. As for the Oracle, pay her price for your future. The covenant is done..."


He stared at the very place he loved from he was found. The Atlas mansion. His and Orion home. Where he spent his time reading or playing with Ratchet and Ironhide. Sometimes meet his grandsire, Alpha trion who often give him treats. Now, the once magnificent building slowly turn into ash as bots began to ran away from its.

  He keep hearing various shouts and barks, occasionally gunshots among the cracking sound of construction crumbling down. His small frame trembled in fear and confusion. How something like this happen, this morning he finished the mineral Ratchet asked him and then sword practices with Ironhide. His mind went out with crazy thoughts. Could it be an attack or merely an accident. He shivered at the first. Not liking the idea at all.



The black and yellow mech turn his head as he tried to find the source of the voice. He squinted his optics, watching the familiar black and neon green frame covered in soot, frantically cupping theirs palm beside their mouth, shouting his designation.

Ratchet and Ironhide. The two older mech that always stay Orion side. His saviours.

"R-Ratchet...'Hides...i'm...h-here..." he coughed as he clucthed his pained chest. The thick smokes makes his chest feel tight and hard to breath in. He began coughed non-stop as he slowly crawling toward them. He raised his hand toward the distant mechs but then, he froze at one particular sound.

The humming sound of blaster getting to started. The sound came from behind. Bumblebee slowly turn his head back, trying to see where the sound come from.

His optics faced to faced with the blaster. He glanced up to the holder of the weapon, where he stared at crazed pair of red optics. "Well, well, it's my lucky day...the grandmasters bitlet..what an honor to kill the no good piece of trash of the grandmaster, i wonder how much money i can earn from ending your life." The unknown mech chuckled in such sinister tone.

Bumblebee closed his optics tight as the blaster now, raised on and aligned with his forehead. His doorwings was shaking in fear as he hears Ironhide and Ratchet hurried footsteps toward him.

The safety clicked.

Finger on the trigger and then it pulled off.

Loud shot ringing through the air.

A body slumped down on the ground, covered in his energon.

"Bumblebee, are you alright?"

The said mech opened his baby blue optics, only to see blurred visions of red and blue being in front off him. He blinked for couple times, adjusting his vision before settling to normal. Now, in front of him, stood his sire. Orion pax. Who covered in ashes and energon. In his hand, his shotgun and on the other, his blade. The azure optics shined brights as if they are under something as his frame changed.

  Bumblebee trembled, his mouth twitched as his optics swell in tears, "ORION!" He shouted and then launched himself toward the mech. Orion catched the youngling in his hold as he gripped him tight. Afraid that he lost one of the reason he smile. As he already lost one.

The love of his life.

  The black and yellow youngling cried outloud as he sobs and whines, mumbling incoherent words at the older mech shoulder. His blade was reattracked and his shotgun rested on the ground next to him. He cradle the crying youngling as he rubbed his shaking doorwings. He hushed Bumblebee while still sit down on the cold ground.

What unbeknownst to the two mech was, the upcoming swords that swung down toward them, delivering a deadly blow to them. A person appeared between them, with trident raised and protective shield covered the two unaware mech as the person shouts,


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