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Albus P.O.V

Yes, yes, yes, YES! I have both my secret weapon and my potions master back! And the best part is I don't think they know they are mates! This is splendid! But, I am going to have to make sure that they don't really know. In the morning I'll bring it up and see how Severus reacts to it. I make my way up to my office but when I get to the gargoyle, I get a strange feeling that someone is already up in my office. I quickly climb the stairs and open the doors. I see Remus Lupin and Sirius Black sitting in the two chairs in front of my desk. When I enter the room they both stand.

"Ah, Albus. I was starting to wonder where you where." Remus says as he greets me.

"Hello Remus. And Sirius, so good to see you. You look well."

"Thank you headmaster." He says and bows slightly to me.

"Now now boy. No need for formalities, you are no longer my student. You may call me Albus." I tell him as I walk around my desk and sit in my arm chair. "How are you two?"

"We're as well as can be expected. You?" Sirius tells me.

"I am quite well my boys, quite well. Now, I do want to ask you two something."

"Yes?" Remus questions.

"Where were you two when I sent an Order member to Grimmauld Place?" I say as I lean my elbows on my desk.

"Wait, that was an Order member?" Remus questions.

"Yes it was." I say.

"Oh, well, we thought it was a Death Eater. We believed my cousin Bellatrix got word that I had escaped from Azkaban and sent someone after me. So we quickly left and apparated to a nearby forest." Sirius explains to me.

"Yes I can see how you would think that. I am sorry if I scared you two." I apologize.

"It's fine, we should have checked to see who it was before we made any decisions." Remus said.

"Nonsense my boy. You acted on good instinct. Now, it has been a tiring day for you two. Trixy!" I call. A small house elf arives and stands between Remus and Sirius. "Trixy can you please show Remus and Sirius to the guest rooms near Gryffindor tower please?"

"Sure thing headmaster Dumbledore. Anything else you need of Trixy headmaster Dumbledore sir?"

"No that will be all. Now, you two get some rest, we shall speak soon." I say as I watch Trixy lead those two out of my office.

I make my way up to my personal quarter and prepare for bed. Once that is completed I hope into bed with a smile on my face. Soon all my plans will come together, and I will be the leader of the Wizarding World. Dreams of having that kind of power flood my mind as I drift off.


I wake up to sunlight fluttering through my windows. A gentle breeze blows my curtains open. I get up out of bed and grab my bathrobe off of a near my chair. I slip it on and go and stand by the window. The sunlight hits the grass just right so the dew sparkles. The Black Lake is shimmering. The forbidden forest looks
lusciou with all its leaves in full bloom.

"Ah, one day Albus. You will rule this and turn it into your own creation of perfection!" I whisper to myself. I begin to get ready for my day.

I make my way down to the great hall and sit in my chair. Minerva is to my right and Poppy is to my left. I enjoy a simple breakfast as I scan the hall. Weasely is over at the Huffelpuff laughing and enjoying himself. Granger is at the Ravenclaw table with her nose in book. My Golden Boy was stuck at the Slytherin table. He looked so uncofterable. Malfoy was next to him, no wonder. Everything seems to be in order. As I pass Severus, who is scowling over a piece of toast, I tap him on the shoulder.

"Can you and Harry meet me in my office?" I ask him. He only nods. I leave the hall an make my way up to his office. I sit behind my desk and pop a lemon drop into my mouth as I wait. It's not long before I see the door open and Severus enters followed by a very fearful looking Harry. They take a seat in front of me.

"Glad the both of you could make it." I say.

"Like we had a choice." Severus mutters. I chuckle at this.

"Yes, I imagine you would want to get back to terrorizing students as you call it and Harry would like to get back to being a student." Severus only grumbles in reply.

"S-sir why are we h-here?" Harry asks as quietly as possible.

"Ah, yes. I called you two here for a few things. First of all, I want to ask you Harry are you alright from your little... experience?" I say cautiously.

"I think sir." He replys.

"What do you mean by that?"

"W-well, I did have a nightmare last night, but that might have been because it only happened the day before. I think I should be fine now sir."

"Good, good. If you have any problems just come to me. Now, another thing. Severus, I am curious as to why you want to rescue the boy?" I turn to my spy, or should I say ex-spy.

"You know damn well why Albus. I don't think you have to ask me that." He spits at me.

"Well, I'm sure Harry is curious as to why." I say.

"Really? Well I suppose so since he's less favorite professor came to his aid. But that is none of his business to know why I did." He said. I see Harry fidgeting out if the corner of my eye. He does want to know.

"Severus he does want to know. As you said, he probably does want to know why his less favorite professor came to his aid." I smirk when I see Severus glare at me.

"Sir, you really don't-" the boy begins to say but Severus cuts him off.

"I owe a life debt." He said. Harry just stares at him shocked. Harry goes to speak again but again Severus cuts him off.

"Is there any other reason you need us here?" He growls out.

"Yes. How do you two feel about each other?"

"Exscuse me?" Severus says as he looks at me like I have grown three heads.

"You heard me. How do you two feel about each other?" I repeat.

They both give me questioning looks. Don't they know?

"Sir, can you please explain to me what you mean?" Harry asks.

"Well it's simple. You two are mates." I say. I watch as Severus' face goes from shocked to pure loathing.

"Oh please that's ridiculous. I'm not that things mate!" He shouts.

"And would that be a bad thing?" I ask.

"YES! He is a student Albus. And not to mention we don't even like one another. Believe me, the hour and a half he has to spend in my class is more than enough for me." He spits. Harry just looks mortified. His ears are flat against his head and his tail is wrapped around him. You can see he's shaking.

"Now Severus there is noth-"

"Don't you dare tell me there is nothing wrong! This is simply outrageous! I will not and never will marry a James Potter copycat!"" He cuts me off. Harry just looks teary eyed.

"S-sir of that's all, c-can I get back to class?" He says his voice shaking.

"Yes that will be all my boy." I say. Harry practically runs from the room. Severus quickly gets up and floos down to his office. Ah yes, life is good.

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