9.Fire Vs Ice Nishiki is Kidnapped!?

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*Inside the Snow Queen story*

Midori was fumming angrily Why? Why of all the stories they have to be inside the snow queen?you might be wondering well right now midori is wondering the same thing.She looked around looking for a place to be warm with Nishiki when he pointed at sleigh that was fancy decorated with snowflakes and gems."Hey! Look there is a sleigh! Come on Midor lets go!!"he yelled and ran towards the sleigh yelling for her to follow.While Midori was wondering why the heck there was a sleigh in middle of snow storm"Hey Wait Nishiki! Why the hell is the-"right before she finishes her words slender white hands picked Nishiki up and puts him beside herself on the sit of the sleigh before flying away dissapearing into a snow storm leaving with yelling Nishiki and Midori who was yelling and chasing after.Midori cursed under her breath then starts to look for a place to warm up with her ring

*Meanwhile in real world*

Everyone one of the maidens and their knights face palmed or sweatdropped while reading the part where Nishiki got kidnapped"that is so like him to move without thinking"Shindou said while others nodded sweatdropped before reading again

*with Kaise and Hoshi*

"Where are we?"Kaise asked looking around walking with Hoshi looking for a place to hide."I dont know"Hoshi answered simply.They kept walking in silence until they saw a cave with small light flickering inside of ut.When they entered the cave they saw a woman with long flowing white hair sitting beside the fire while smiling at them"Hello dears looking for a place to cover from this storm?"she asked kindly smiling,Kaise and Hoshi nodded"May we stay here with you till the storm passes?"Hoshi asked.The woman nodded "You May!" both Sisters sat down beside the fire starring at the woman .Woman just smiled at them opening her eyes revealing sky silver blue eyes and wolf like ears appeared on her head along with wolf tail"I know who you are Hoshi the Just and Kaise the Brave and i Will help you My name is Ami the Loyal and i know where your sister is......"

*back with Midori*

With lots i mean lots of help Midori reacher the snow queens castle after thanking her friends she went to the snow queen's castle.When she went inside she found Nishiki glaring at the queen throwing his tantrums."Nishiki!!"she yelled."ah Midori!! Release me from this cage and lets beat up that cold hearted ugly!!"nishiki yelled from his cage glaring at the snow queen.When Snow queen saw them she looked angry and starts to throw snow storms and ice beams at them.Midori using her powers melted them and chanted"Oh Holy fire of the sun! Lend me you streight! Help me to melt this ruthless cold heart!Pheonix Fire!!"she yelled and attacked the queen with big fire pheonix destroying it revealing red crystal
But she ended up melting the cage,and the castle along with the snow outside then the portal appeard after both Nishiki and Midoru took the crystal and they were back with the others wet like a water mouse~

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