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I was back in this familiar place. Sitting around, and looking through old photos and examining the old place. This is where it all started, and where things ended.

I was getting things, and dusting off some few picture frames. Then suddenly, Something caught my eye. My notebook, and the box that holds a million memories of us.

" Mom? Are you here? ". My little daughter asked as she peeked through the door.

" Yes, sweetie. I'm here. Come! ". I said to her.

She was eager to know what I was holding so I perked up and asked her. " Do you want me to read this to you? ".

" If you want Mommy. Is that about Princesses? " She asked me, full of curiosity in her eyes.

" Yes, This is about a Princess, but too bad she hadn't rescued her Prince. " I said.

" But I thought it's always the Prince who rescues the Princess? " She said.

" Well then, Let's see. " I finally said to her.


She had always loved him. And he always loved her too. They had a happy life. But, nothing is perfect. There are ups and downs, but despite that. They always understand each other.

( Girls POV )

- This is a beautiful day. I mentally said. I was wondering through the hall ways, appreciating every corner of this School and suddenly BOOOGSH, my books just went out of my hand. Who was this... "Hi, I'm Stuart by the way" the guy said. I was lost at words. He was.. I don't know. Captivating? Oh great. Now I'm just staring at him. "Oh, sorry. I wasn't watching where I'm going. I'm Claire" I said. Ooooh. This is going to be a cool school year.

( Stuart's POV )

-"Oh, sorry. I wasn't watching where I'm going. I'm Claire" She answered then she smiled at me. Her smile was just glowing, she's so beautiful. But, I kept my nerve and asked "Are you new here? I'm not familiar with your Beau.. your face. *smiles and blushed*. Well That was close.

( Claire's POV )

"Are you new here? I'm not familiar with your face?" He mumbled something but I can't point it out. I just shrugged it off. "Oh, yeah. I'm.. Actually going to my first class. Uhm.. History. Do you know where it is?" Oh great. Now I'm asking a person I've just met. But, A little admiration for his face won't hurt... Right? Ohhh. High school. I always knew you'd be a tough one.

( Stuart's POV )

-"Your First class is History? That's kinda cool because that's also my first period. Do you want to walk with me? After all we'll both head to similar classroom." That took so much bravery just to ask her that question. It's like I'm really shy when I'm with her. There were butterflies in my stomach that time. Wait, does this mean I like her? When we were walking to our first period I was thinking, does she already have a boyfriend I hope not cause I want her to be mine. But, I think that's impossible, that beautiful face would never fall in love with a ordinary boy like me. She may have many suitors that I cant match with. Us would just be impossible.

( Claire's POV )

I felt like I needed to break the silence. "Hey, uhm. Aren't you supposed to be taking your Girlfriend for her class?" Oh no. Did I really just say that. Nice one Claire. Way to ruin the moment. I'm with an Angel. Perfect. Okay. I should stop.... or not. I've just met him and here I am, about to be head over heels to him.

( Stuart's POV )

"Hey, uhm. Aren't you supposed to be taking your Girlfriend for her class?" she asked. I smiled and said "Haha.. Nice joke. But seriously I dont have a girlfriend and to be honest, I never had one, I'm really that lame". That was stupid, why did I say that?! Let's look at the brighter side, It's better than lying to a perfectly innocent girl.

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