Chapter 14:The Bathroom

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Mark's Pov
"J-Jack w-what are you doing???" I said as he pulled me into the bathroom.
"Oh don't worry this'll only take a minute!" He said chuckling.
"W-What do you mean?" I said my face getting red.
"You'll see~" He leaned close to my ear and whispered
"I'm just gonna finger you~"
He then wrapped his arms around me and pulled both of us against the bathroom wall,his back up against it.
"J-Jack w-what if someone comes i-in?" I said stuttering.
"Oh good thinking." He said and pulled us into a stall and locked it,still having his arms wrapped around me.
The stall was pretty big so we could move around.He put his back up against the stall wall and slowly started to put his hands up my shirt.I could hear him quietly chuckling.Then I felt his warm fingers touch my nipples.I jumped.
"Jackpot." He said chuckling louder.
He began to pinch and twist my nipples.I moaned quietly,trying to make sure no one heard me.Then I felt one hand slide down to my pants.I felt him playing with one of the belt loops.I started to get impatient and put his hand down my pants for him.He moaned quietly.I felt him start to lick up and down my neck.I grinned.Then I felt him sucking.
"Gimme a nice big hickey." I said.
"Ok!" He said and started to suck harder.
"Mmmmmm that feels good!But you should do something about that hand down there~" I said.
Jack's Pov
I nodded and stared to palm his dick through his boxers.He moaned a little louder this time.I took my hand that was still on his nipple off and put it up on his mouth.He opened it and my hand fell into his mouth.He pushed all of my fingers out,except for two.He carefully bit down on them.I was still giving him a million hickeys so I moaned into his neck.He grinned and I felt one of his arm moving backwards.Then I felt his firm grip on my ass.I squeaked loudly.
"Hehehe you like that?" He said.
I nodded quickly.I moaned and started rubbing my crotch up against his ass.
"Oh Jack!" He yelled.
He quickly spun around so he was facing me.He still had his hand on my ass.He put his chin on my shoulder,then I felt his firm grip start to massage my ass.I moaned and closed my eyes.Then I felt heat and pressure on my lips.I then opened my eyes a bit to see he was kissing me.I closed my eyes back up and felt his tongue start to lick my lips.I opened my mouth up,letting his tongue slip in.His tongue went all around my mouth,discovering it.We stood there making out for a few minutes until we heard the bell that starts the school day ring.
Anti's Pov
Me and Dark were sitting in class,waiting for Mark and Jack to walk through the door.I leaned over to Dark.
"Where are they?" I whispered to him.
"I don't know..." He said in his deep,sexy voice.
My face started to get red.
"I-I'll be right back..." I said.

Sorry another cliffhanger!(I'm lazy af)Also sorry it took so long.

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