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She was only four when it happened... But she could never forget. She lost everything.

Her family...

Her friends...

Her freedom...

Living the small town of Saines, Gwenn was the youngest of three. She had two older brothers, Steven and Andrew. They were two years apart. Steven was 16 and Andrew was 18. You see, Gwenn was lucky to be alive. Her parents always wanted a third child, but they always failed to do so. Until Gwenn was born. She had golden hair with streaks of light brown. Her eyes were as green as emeralds, and she forever smelled of roses. Her family rejoiced when she was a healthy little girl, though she was a little small for a baby.

But sadly, those happy time were cut short. Gwenn's mother, Theia, died of childbirth.

The whole town mourned the loss of this woman.

So, Gwenn grew up without a mother. She didn't mind, she couldn't miss what she didn't have. Gwenn never asked about her mother, she knew it made both her father and brothers depressed, so she would just save all the trouble and keep quiet. However, when she did see her saddened family, she would sing. That always brightened the mood. And surprisingly, her voice was actually very good. Once she received praise for her singing, nothing could stop her from humming, singing, or tapping her foot to the made-up beat in her head. It made people happy, and she loved that. By the time she was four, not even an hour could go by without her singing.

But one day... everything changed.

You see, tensions between the human kingdom and the giant kingdom have grown more and more. Humans were taking land and resources. Giants were either keeping or killing the humans for taking the resources. Humans attacked back in both fear and self-defense. The cycle would continue. Though there were many attempts on peace, one group of humans or giants would open a whole new can of worms.

One day, five villagers, who were badly wounded, ran throughout the entire village screaming, "The giants are coming! Run! Hide! The giants are coming!" Chaos spread throughout the village. People were boarding up their windows, frantically trying to see if they had everyone in their family together. The village was barely even half-way ready when they heard (and felt) footsteps. They were getting louder and the ground began to shake more violently. This caused the village to pick up their pace and get to safety as quickly as possible. A horrid scream filled the air, causing everyone to look up in fear to the raving mad giant. He was as tall as a five-story building. His fingers were as thick as tree trunks and his fingernails were dirty. He wore an elbow sleeved shirt with one pocket that was a dark brown, and pants that went right to his ankles. He had a round face with stubble around his lower jaw. His dark gray eyes were full of anger and confusion.

Everyone in the village ran to the closest shelter, everyone except Gwenn. Her being the young and naive girl she was, she ran to her home, which was conveniently located right in front of the giant. Running as fast as she could, she made her way to her house.

She was almost there.

But then...

She tripped...

Right in front of the giant.

Her father watched in horror as his only daughter was picked up by the giant. He had to do something. He would not let the girl he loved die. He refused to experience that pain again. Quickly, he grabbed a bow and a few arrows and went upstairs to the roof. Oh no... he thought to himself as he saw his little baby girl in the palm of the giant's hand.

The giant had no intention of hurting the small human child. In fact, she was the only reason why he hadn't smashed the small village to the ground. How could he hurt something so pure and innocent? That would make him a monster. Her green eyes were wide with fear, though she didn't say anything, she just looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. She was shaking terribly. The giant wanted to calm her down, without scaring her even more. So he positioned her so that she was sitting down in the middle of his palm and his fingers were acting as a backrest. With his other hand, he gently wiped the girl's cheek. She flinched back but still made no noise. Her eyes were even wider. She quickly looked down at her hands, making her golden hair fall in front of her face. He decided to gently push her hair out of her face. His index finger was right below the little girl's ear when a quick sharp pain went up his finger. In response, he jerked his hand back, cutting the poor girl behind the ear in the process. She yelped in pain, causing the giant to flinch, therefore, causing the human to fall to the ground.

Luckily, her fall was cushioned by a large stack of hay. Gwenn watched in horror as the giant took an arrow out of his finger. He screamed in rage as he tried to find out who shot him. Gwenn looked up to see it was her father that had shot him. He was laying down on his stomach with his bow next to him and some arrows in his hand. He didn't move. He breathed lightly. When the giant had his back to him, he quickly released another arrow, hitting right below the giant's shoulder. Gwenn's father ducked down. The giant screamed in anger and pain. He turned around to see Gwenn's father laying down on the roof. The giant smacked him off the roof. He went flying through the air. He collided with a tree and died instantly.

"Papa!" Gwenn screamed as she rushed over to her father, not caring about anything else. she rushed to his side only to find him dead. She couldn't wipe away the tears that flooded out of her eyes. This was all my fault she thought to herself, I killed him.

Now the whole village watched what had just happened. Out of anger, every villager started to attack the giant, using whatever they could to harm him.

The giant was now pissed. These tiny humans were being pests. With one swing of his hand, he knocked out half of the villagers. Two of those villagers were Steven and Andrew. The rest of the villagers were taken out with a flick of his wrist. With the humans out of the way, he was going to destroy the village but he was stopped by the sound of crying. He turned around to see the little girl from earlier. She was kneeling next to the human that had shot him. "Papa..." she said, " I'm so sorry Papa. This was all my fault, I should have been more careful. I'm so sorry Papa." Papa? the giant thought, Oh shit! I killed her father! I killed everyone... I got to get out of here! With that, he quickly walked away, leaving the poor girl alone.

Hey guys! This is my first story ever! Enjoy!

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