5th February 1979

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Okay: recap because it’s been forever and a day since I last updated. (BTW I’m so sorry for that J) So she went to the ball with Christopher and is going to ‘forgive him’. Obviously not for reals because that would be bad…Anyways, her and Nicholas are friends again and Cameron and her are engaged. Once again, I’m sorry for being so slow. I’ve been so busy working on my new one which you should all check out (: More Than A Pretty Face. I guarantee if you like this, you’ll most likely like that. Kthanksbye.

5th February 1979

I wore the ring on a long silver chain around my neck. The fluffy jumper I had on covered the chain so that it wasn’t visible to anyone else. I felt it, pressing against the place where my heart should be and I smiled. Having it there made me feel like everything was going to be alright. It was a reminder of my future. My future with Cameron.

No one knew about the engagement. Not even Jayde. I liked it that way and I had no intention of telling anyone. If the wrong person heard then all hell would break loose.

I was still in the dark about this big secret that everyone seemed to know but it no longer bothered me as much. I sort of understood why Nicholas had to keep it from me and I respected him.

I had a picnic planned with Christopher. I was supposed to meet him in the courtyard and I was having serious second thoughts about pretending to like him. Oh well, there was no backing out now. I made my way to the courtyard and smiled when he looked up to greet me. I sat beside him and he offered me a glass of blood. I took it and sipped at it before clearing my throat and setting it down again.

“So, I hear you’ve been spending a lot of time with Jeromy. Do you have any new information to share?” I wondered absentmindedly, curious to see if he’d make up a lie to feed me.

He shrugged and sighed. “It’s been very quiet lately, if truth be told. He’s still watching the ball though, waiting.”

“Still nothing?” I groaned in defeat and shook my head. “It’s terrible. If I were Queen none of this would happen. People would know how to fight and defend themselves. No one would work as slaves, not even humans.”

He nodded and smiled, placing a hand over mine. “I know you’d be a tremendous Queen Genevieve, I hope when this is all over that you will be able to pursue that dream and change this world for the better. I know you can do it Gen.”

“I know I can too. The problem is surviving this war or whatever.” I sighed.

“Really, here am I thinking that was the easy part.” He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him softly. “Do you remember the day we ran away?”

“Always.” He whispered, as if it meant something to him.

I sighed and closed my eyes. “We were having fun up in that tree, and then you accidentally pushed me out and…and Cameron caught me. That night we were out of there.”

He nodded. “Is that all you remember?”

I shook my head and smiled. “No, I remember I had doubts. I was going to chicken out but you pushed me into doing it. You encouraged me to leave.”

“Yes, I won’t deny that. And you were happy everyday afterwards.” He smiled.

I sighed and nodded. “I guess I was, but I just can’t help but imagined how everything could have been if I’d just stayed.” I smiled sadly. “I could be sitting on my throne right now beside both my parents. Sipping the best blood and helping people. I could’ve been with my soul mate, hunting together.”

“Who is your soul mate?” He whispered.

I smiled and touched my heart where the ring rested hanging from the chain. “Cam…” My eyes shot up to his and I cursed. “You did not hear that.”

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