The army

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Hi my name is Dylan. Now you guys where probably expecting a heroic name like Bob,Liam,or Ted. That's what I was named ,Dylan. So deal with it ok good. So I have been named hero of the whole world. Oh, you've never heard the story. Ok, let's start from the beginning. So I was the second child my parents had my brother was awesome we did stupid things together like trash bag parachuting. He was really smart. One day though he changed he got meaner and wanted to have everyone bow  down to him. We where going on vacation one day to spend a weekend up in the mountains. We where setting up camp and my brother found a bottle with a skull on top. He showed my dad my dad is a big history nerd. He said that the bottle held ancient powers to summon a skeleton army. My dad told him to open the bottle so he did. The air tuned cold and the bottle shook and a skeleton popped out. He looked at my brother and said "what can we do for you master?". "We?" said my brother. Then the bottle shook more and more and soon thousands of skeletons popped out. My brother started laughing in a evil way. He said " let us take over the world". So the skeleton army moved and started to wreck havoc on the world. On the news that night the reporter said that anyone who would not serve will be killed. I decided that I needed my own army.

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