A fashion show? For the Bulls and Michael Jordan?

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(You will be able to choose age and looks for the characters)
My wonderful mom had surprised me and Jordan to go to a Michael Jordan fashion show in Chicago. I was so excited when I found out I was going to Chicago. The next day we printed the tickets packed our bags and jumped into the car quickly. It felt like forever to get there, I fell asleep on the way. But Jordan woke me up when we got to the Lake Forest County overpass station. We stopped there for food and to go to the bathroom. We also looked at a souvenir shop there too.
When we left and went to go out of the overpass station Jordan pointed out a pink Ferrari and a green Lamborghini, I told him that it wasn't out of the ordinary to see a Lambo or Ferrari in Illinois. Now that we were fueled up we got in the car and Jordan started driving again.
I fell asleep a second time and as Jordan was driving he noticed I fell asleep and shook my shoulder with one of his hands. When he woke me up i started to see the Big City Skyline, the City Skyline I've come to love of Chicago.
We reach the hotel we're staying at which is also where the fashion show was.
We check in and bump into Michael Jordan the 5 time MVP winner and 6 time world champ winner. He looks down at my Jordan's and says "Nice shoes I love em!" He then invites me and Jordan to a party in his hotel villa overlooking Chicago and the United Center.
We get a two bed bedroom and we both get separate beds. But Michael Jordan let us stay in his villa with the same room qualities but Chicago Bulls themed with nicer room service only because we were die hard fans.
The next day the day of the fashion show I wake up and can't find Jordan in the bed that he got to himself.
I smell bacon and eggs cooking I decide to get up and then find Jordan in the kitchen wearing some Bulls sweatshirt and shorts making breakfast. I talk with him while eating my plate of breakfast and when I was done I said "thank you for a tasty breakfast"
And then I got ready for the fashion show and told Jordan he probably should be getting ready too.
After me and Jordan got ready for the fashion show I asked him if he was ready to go he replied with a simple "Yah." with a smile on his face as he looked at me. On the way there I was telling Jordan how I was excited to go to a Michael Jordan fashion show.
Before it started we all went to the bathroom after that we took our seats.
The announcer said "attention ladies and gentlemen we would like to welcome two young folks from a small city suburb in Illinois, Jordan and his friend Daisy. They have been selected by our very own Michael Jordan to receive as prize winners all the new Jordan designs, shoes and clothing everything new by Michael Jordan and his special helpers at Nike."
"Now the moment you've all been waiting for the fashion show to start!!!"
"Our first model is wearing a red D-Wade Bulls jersey, black Jordan sweatpants and red Jordan Illusion shoes." The model strikes a pose as if she were to be shooting a basketball into a hoop.
The announcer says "our second model here has on a blue United Center sweatshirt paired with short red Jordan shorts on and white Michael Jordan Horizon shoes.
The announcer the says "Here comes our last model and our prize winner" I soon realize that that's me thank God I have Jordan apparel on. The announcer then continued to say "here comes our prize winner in a Chicago Bulls Mitchell and Ness winter hat, a gray Bulls sweatshirt black Jordan sweats and Michael Jordan's authentic basketball shoes."
After the fashion show was over Michael Jordan gave me a fist bump and said "Good job kid, I'm proud of ya!" I said "Thank you" with a soft smile. And after that me and Jordan hopped in the car that brought us to the show.
Later on I found Jordan outside on the small patio that was given with the 10th floor villa looking sadly at the buildings and people walking the city of Chicago. When I saw him I asked him if he needed a hug, and he said "you read my exact thoughts." He gave me a long hug and told me I did wonderful job despite the fact that I had been chosen to strut down the runway. Jordan pulled away from the hug and putting his hand on top of my hand which was on the railing and then said "I wish we could stay here one more day" and I agreed but then I told him that "our families would start to miss us after awhile"
Jordan said something but it sounded like a school bell. I heard a janitor say "Hey wake up, school is done." I ask "what about Chicago? Where's Jordan?" They then say to me "how cute a silly daydreamer with her head in the clouds, where's that going to get you in life?" "Probably here like me" they say to me so I gave them a piece of my mind and then said "watch me make my dreams come true!" I walked out of the room with an accomplished smile and feeling.

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