"having each others' backs"

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Disclaimer - No own, no own! No sue, no sue!

Author - Warlordess

Notes - Yo-ho-ho, everyone, and welcome to my first contribution to 2016′s Pokeshipping Week! I was really anxious about not being able to take part so I'm proud to present one of the four fics I wrote for this event!

I chose one of the optional themes because I wasn't really feeling the original, designated one ("Alola"). I hope you'll all still give my fic a read.

This is an AU version of Misty rescuing Ash during the second movie - Pokeshipping: The Movie, as I like to call it, lol - wherein she uses CPR to bring him back after getting him to shore (inspired by my being CPR-certified for work). I remember hearing awhile back that this was originally supposed to be how the movie played out, but the director at the time felt it would be taken as some sort of "hint" if Misty "kissed" Ash when performing mouth-to-mouth.

All that being said, I went with it anyway, but I made sure that no normal, romantic feelings or reactions took place until after Ash was conscious again. There's also a quick nod to Team Rocket's sacrifice (just Ash bothering to ask about them) since, after they decided to let go of Lugia in the film, they ended up basically forgotten and that... sucks.

Anyway, on to the read!


She doesn't tell anyone that it's the scariest moment of her life.

(scarier than bugs)

(scarier than Gyarados)

(scarier than leaving him behind to take on more responsibility than you've ever had before)

Well, maybe not, but that's a whole different life-crippling fear she has to tackle and she's more concerned at this point with the here and now.

Terror grips her heart, her spirit, ice claws away at her life, cold strips her of any other sensation besides pain and numb and yet all she thinks about is him laying supine and still on the frost-covered ground before her.

(no response)

(no heartbeat)

(no pulse)

(no hope)

She furiously stalls her train of thought, enraged at herself that she ever let it get that far. This is why she's here, after all, this is why she knew she couldn't stay with Rudy, or more recently, allow Melody to sail in search of her best friend without her.

(Ash Ketchum, Mr. Pokemon Master)

(the hero that you yourself convinced of his role in the prophecy)

(the chosen one, the average everyday hero)

(the boy who'd promised to be the number one greatest Pokemon trainer in the world...)

(... your best friend...)

(the boy who'd convinced you about what it truly meant to love Pokemon so dearly)

(so dearly that you'd risk your own life)

(the one who indeed had just risked his life...)

It's not done yet! For all of the times Ash Ketchum seemed to miraculously be okay at the end of everything, here he was... in need.

(in need of help)

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