"if tracey never joined"

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Disclaimer - I don't claim the rights to anything! Just rigging my OTPs to behave the way I want them to!

Author - Warlordess

Notes - Originally I was going to skip this theme, or else use one of the alternates, because I don't like axing characters for a ship. I know he ain't dead, but the point of this is to remove him from his place in canon and it's still not fair. Tracey already gets enough hate in the fandom (and to this day, I still don't know why).

However, luckily, I found a loophole in the theme phrasing that I decided to exploit the crap out of so, instead, I stuck with what we were given for day two after all!

I hope everyone enjoys and, pretty please, like and reblog! It makes me feel really good about my stupid writing when others care enough to share!


She's hiding it well, and thank goodness, but of course it comes a little easier when her personal mortification is stifled by her overwhelmingly intense fear and aggravation about being stranded alone on a deserted island with one, Ash Ketchum, as the only other human around.

This could be the end for them, she thinks.

"I think we've accidentally captured a pair of very romantic creatures in our little cage!" James mocked enthusiastically.

"You mean?! D'aawe…" Jessie replied.

"Der loiveboids!" Meowth ridiculed in his odd accent.

And none too soon.

But then, the island ends up completely populated after all (if somewhat isolatedly so), and the both of them are assuredly, absolutely, irrevocably relieved to know it, relieved that they no longer have only each other to contend with, relieved that they don't have to absorb themselves in their own mortification about Team Rocket's remarks hours earlier, and relieved that they can distract themselves with a decent meal.

"This is the best thing I've ever eaten!" Ash exclaims, devouring his apparently gourmet entree in seconds.

"Ash, it's a greasy cheeseburger at a theme park family restaurant," Misty reminds him, nibbling on one of her onion rings and sipping some water to chase it down, watching as the boy before her unceremoniously gulps down half his soda and then picks his sleeve of fries up and begins to inhale them with similar fervor.

And Team Rocket thinks she's into that? Not likely, she concludes with a roll of her eyes, even as her cheeks flush vibrantly in defiance. And yet she can't help wondering about it, can't help mulling it over. Well, it's not like her friend - friend? Is he really? - is in any mood to hold a conversation, right? So what else can she do but think?

How can anyone believe she would be interested in Ash Ketchum? Between his frustratingly self-sacrificial behavior, his egoistic fixation on winning gym matches and battles, his one-track-mind, his stupid hat, his intent to use a Pokemon he's already shown he's incapable of controlling, his inability to understand her as a girl (and it's not that she wants him knowing too much, she's gotta have some boundaries, some secrets - not that those secrets have to do with any feelings either, just so she's clear)…

Realizing she's rambling to herself, she clears her throat (and hopefully her head), inadvertently drawing Ash's attention.

"What's up?" he asks blankly, apparently without a care in the world.

He should be so lucky.

"Nothing!" she immediately responds, tone slightly higher pitched than it should be.

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