The perfect boy

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          The perfect boy part 1

Hi I'm Alice ,Alice schmidt I'm 15 years old blond hair and blue eyed ... And im here to tell u a story of the perfect perfect boy...

most of the boy friends iv had are iver geeky or just rude, and when I say rude I mean it. My worst boy friend is called Ratt and GOD I HATED HIM.

When we first went out he said hed do anything in the world for me next moment he is too busy for me. Then him blowing me off infront of my friend haha way to present your self , he hated taking photos of us togetha ....I was suspicious of him but I told myself let it go....And last of all he tried to have sex with me morealess forced me it was horrible, luckly I didnt and he left...and a few weeks after he sees other girls behind my back , dumps me over txt and I have to find helim to get him to act like a man btw he is a year older than me...he tried to make me do stuff id hate to do...But for some reasone I could never say no only the one time he tryed to fuck me is when it stopped...I wish I dumped him urlyer....but thats a breef of the info on Ratt....

I also once had a boyfriend called Ollz

or you could call him a play boy...yes he was a year younger than me , originally I thought hed b safe I known him as a friend you see I went out with him for a day I then broke it off and a week later I felt horrible so I got back with him...And like I said I thought hed he all geeky and nice but god I was wrong...He allways came across Horny I think the word is....He asked me to promis him to stay together for a month stupidly I agree and unfortunately I do NOT brake a promise .

He use to stand out side my house befor school and be too scared to knock on my door , and so he waited round the corner and he was pissed off with me because he waited 5 muinets for me , I didnt even know he was waiting....afterschool hed walk me home and try finger me originally id wont ro slap him but I didnt I pushed him away and told my self, hold it together Alice its only for a month the only good thing out of that relationship is I made a best friend callled Sach who today I still am friends with.

the other boys well id rather leave them out for now....

so u get the idea of how all my x's go


  .......  Dreams of him.......

As every girl dose I dream of the perfect boy, have cool hair , shiney eyes that make u wanna cry the warm arms to keep you safe his personality perfect. get the idea...Any way thair were some guys who moved into my school twins and I , became friends with them no one could tell them apart at first but let me tell ya I CAN ,and one of them I had a huge crush on...He was called JJ and his brother was called Jack.

They were both nice and cool to hang with and they both became my best friends. But around JJ as grate a friend he was I felt so awkward I remember when those small moments when I could hold his hand, he didnt like hugs much but after I stopped he wanted the hugs I thought it was cute...Jack I remember he allways told me to go out with JJ in class I said no even though in my head it was screaming YES. We use to play wrestling it was fun and another reasone to hold his hand


He was cute , funny and sweet , at times I could not tell if he had a crush on me so I never said any thing, and at one point I decided to tell my bestie Kimberly about my majour crush. And on that night she text him about it told me and showed me the convo, baisecly she told him but said dont say I said anythig and he said ok thanks I couldnt tell ,  as I was reading so I felt as if I could not breath I was so happy my friend Kimberly had to remind me xD

I could not belive my crush had a crush on me.....

               The    next     day

The next day I tryed to act ad if I never sore the message , we chatted in the morning as usial and then in  my lessons it got around the school he was going to ask me out. my friends didnt think I liked him and told me so I knew I said " way to spoil the suprir and yes I have a massive crush on him "

They seemed shoked .... So at brake I went out to the usial hang out place but felt awk because all my friends gatherd around him asking him about it andd saying about me , apparently he though I was not in his league I dont know....And I dont care becaus i loved him...but because of that they never got him to ask me but as it got to lunch time he finally got me in a quiet spot, I felt a little adrenaline I think but I was so nervouse. He said "So Alice Will you go out with me'

I just looked into his eyes and hugged him tightly and said "yes"

I felt a little shy but I allways do at first. He held my hand as a smile crossed my face I was so happy one of the best days of my life.

               My boy and me

After time I became less shy but more grate full...I mean common MY BOYFRIEND XD

Here is some stuff he is

He is sweet check , kind check , careing omg yeah he is Loveable easy to talk to protective over me allways thair for me and so cute and hot but he Dont believe it...he he is everything I dreamed of , wanted and more...I am so lucky but people dont like me with him apparently im a slut yeah yeah thats totally  why I never had sex xD

And even if so u dont go doing any thing around all willy nilly.....

honestly people these days....At least he is not like the other guys he dose every thing right he is MY Mr perfectXxxxx

And I could not imagen a single day in my life with out him.

                  x~I am so Lucky~x

(so weather you know someone or not You Must Not judge with out knowing the full story first)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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