Chapter 4: The Bloody Baron

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

It was now late at night, around 7 PM to be exact, and Luna and Draco had just arrived at the halls of Slytherin Dungeon. The dungeon was empty and quiet this time around because majority of the students were at the Great Hall eating dinner. However, Draco and Luna were not in the mood to eat, but on the move to solve the disappearance of the pages in the book of the House Relics. They were slowly looking around the hallways, keeping an eye on where the ghost of Slytherin could phase through. They knew the Baron was not very social and would likely tell them anything, but the two were willing to give it a try. Luna stopped and sat on a window sill. Draco followed and leaned his back against the wall beside her. The two were obviously tired of walking around the school, finding clues, and need to rest.

"How long are we going to keep this up, Lovegood?" Draco asked impatiently. Luna turned to look at him and sat up properly

"Well I won't stop until we find those pages and the reason behind the disappearance..." Luna replied. Draco groaned, annoyed that they will be after this by the end of the week, or more.

"Fine... But I blame you for my aching feet and legs" Draco rubbed his leg. Luna did the same to her feet by removing her shoes.

"You think I feel alright with this? I'm just as in pain as you are..." Luna whispered. He turned to look at her and sighed. He got on his knees and held her foot. Luna looked at him surprised, but just let him continue. Draco was rubbing her foot gently and Luna could not help but blush at the gesture.

"... Hope this makes it feel a little better..." He mumbled at her. Luna nodded and looked away.

"Thank you but... You didn't have to do that..." Draco grabbed her shoe and placed it back on. Luna looked at this gesture and was reminded of the story her father once told her. Cinderella was it's name.

"Don't mention it... Ever" Draco said. She giggled at him emphasizing "ever" but just shook it off.

"Awww! Little Drakie-poo is sneaking of with Loony Luna!" The two groaned at the same time and looked up. Above them was none other than Peeves the Poltergeist. An annoying little thing that love to pull pranks and tease students. Draco just glared at him, while Luna was still sitting calmly but she herself was annoyed at the presence of the geist.

"Hello Peeves..." Luna said calmly. She got off from her seat and looked up at him. Draco helped her up and just continued to glare.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asked.

"I should be asking you two that! Unless you two are going off snogging one another, then maybe I should tell the professors!" Peeves said, with a hardy laugh. Luna and Draco stiffened and panic was written on their faces.

"Shut up! I'm not even dating her!" Draco yelled. Peeves continues to laugh, which made the two more annoyed at him.

"Come on, Draco, he is not worth our time" Luna suggested, she then turned and walked on more into the halls with Draco following but Peeves was also following behind yelling out.

"Drakie and Loony sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Peeves sang, but Draco and Luna tried their best to ignore him as they walked.

"Awww! Why are you both ignoring me? You going to go off and snog somewhere else?" Peeves snickered. Draco and Luna turned to glare at Peeves, but when they did, their glare turned into a smirked.

"Hm? What are you two smiling about?" Peeves asked, annoyed by their sudden smirk. The two looked at each other, then at Peeves.

"Peeves! What is going on here?!" From those words, Peeves stiffened and shakingly turned to face the ghost of Slytherin.

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