I Need To Tell Someone

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**TIME SKIP** (after colab)
**Jack's perspective**
The video is over and we both turn off our cameras. We decide we should Skype because we didn't get to really see each other and because we have literally nothing else to do. He Skypes me and I answer. While we were recording I found out how hilarious Mark actually is. I was laughing so often at the things he was saying that I could barely breathe. We start talking and I slowly start to realize that I really like him. Maybe I even love him.

I know that seems pretty quick, but I can't help it he is so perfect. Maybe I am gay? No there is no way!Well I mean I've never been attracted to girls... or boys... until now. How do I tell him? What if he is straight? Do I tell my fans? People come out all the time on YouTube, but am I ready for that? I allowed these thoughts to swirl around my head until I was starting to struggle to breathe. I decide I wouldn't tell anyone for a little bit, or at least until I actually know.

**TIME SKIP** (10 months later)
**Mark's perspective**
I see that Jack has finally posted his video for today. He must have worked really hard on it. It is Saturday and turns out he posted the video yesterday, but I didn't see it. I look at the title of the video. It is called "I Need To Tell Someone". I am really confused because it doesn't look like a let's play video. I click on it anyway. I quickly realize that something is wrong when he doesn't do his normal shouting intro of "TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YE LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE!!!!"

My fears are confirmed when I see him slowly come into frame looking at the ground. He looks really sad.

He looks up into the camera and says "Hey guys this is going to be a different type of video today I have something I need to tell you."

He looks like he has been crying. We normally Skype daily, but he said he was too busy today. I instantly get really worried and I unknowingly lean closer to the screen. He takes a deep breath and continues talking. "I know you guys don't know very much about me. Pretty much all you know is that I am a loud YouTuber that does let's plays. I mean you guys don't even know my real name." Of course I know his name, but I guess I just realized he has never announced himself as Sean.

He takes another deep breath and says "Well before I tell you my name I have something more important to tell you.... It is something really personal... I have been going back and forth about telling you guys for a few months now... I have never told anyone this before. I didn't even know myself until I met someone about a year ago." He takes another deep breath I start to wander who he might have met almost a year ago. Then I realize that we met around then. I shake the thought from my mind because there is no way that this has anything to do with me.

He finally looks back up into the camera and says "I'm gay... I am attracted to men." He starts crying and I am utterly shocked. He looks up smiling through the tears, "This feels so great to get off of my chest. I haven't told anyone yet this is the way I am going to tell. I found this out about 10 months ago was when it really started to hit me." I watch as Sean's eyes shift slowly down to where his feet would be. A few more tears fall.

He continues to talk some more about how he has been so scared to come out because he is afraid of what people will think about him. I don't exactly know what he is saying any more because I am down in his comments seeing what people have been saying.

There is hate comment after hate comment. People calling him horrible things and saying that they refuse to be subscribed to someone like that. I feel as a hot tear rolls down my cheek. I decide I should probably Skype him and see if he is okay or if he wants to talk about it. I Skype him and it starts to ring and he doesn't answer.

Something is wrong. I can feel it I don't know what, but I know something isn't right he always answers my Skype calls. I call him again and again for a span of 3 hours with no answer.

**Jack's perspective**
I posted a video last night and I am really nervous about the response that it will have. The first thing I do is pick up my phone. I have probably 200 notifications. I went to my YouTube channel, and I scroll down to the comment section. I start scanning the comments.

I read comment after comment. There is so much hate towards me I knew I should have never told anyone how I felt. I start crying. I don't mean to, but it just kind of happens.

I eventually start shaking uncontrollably because I am crying so hard. I begin to dig my palms into my eyes to attempt to stop the tears from falling.

I sat there for about half an hour on the edge of my bed like that. Needless to say my hands don't do anything. I feel like I am going to have a panic attack. It starts to get harder and harder to breathe. I pull my hands away from my eyes to try to catch my breath. I stand up and put my hands up on my head to try to catch my breath. I start to walk over to my desk. I grab a few pills and my inhaler.
I think that I should say I am extremely sorry if anyone feels like the story is moving too slowly it is just that I personally like longer more background ridden stories. All of the Septiplier stuff is coming up soon I promise!! I just didn't want to jump straight into it I really wanted to put in some backstory as to why they are friends to begin with.

I Need You... (Jacksepticeye x Markiplier)Where stories live. Discover now