Chapter 1- Anonymous

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   I was on my way home from teaching dance practice on a late Saturday night, it was about 11:30. My apartment was only a few blocks away from the studio, so it was a pretty safe walk there and back. As I was walking though, I heard the crunch of the crispy golden leaves on the ground because it was fall. I turned around, but saw nothing, so I continued to walk home without any worries really. The noise suddenly was there again, and so this time I turned around a corner, and looked for something I could use as a weapon. I was searching the ground frantically for something, anything. I looked to my left and there was a lead pipe on the ground, so I quickly ran over and picked it up. I crouched down to see if I could see the person following me, but there wasn't any signs of anyone around. I turned the corner, with the pipe still in hand, and sprinted home the best I could, but since I was tired it was harder then expected. The person following me was picking up into a run too then. 

   Suddenly, I tripped and dropped the pipe out of my hands.

        "Shit," I muttered. I tried to hurry and get the pipe, but someone was on top of me and pushed it away from my reach

"Help!" I tried to yell, but the person covered up my mouth. I was twisting and turning, trying to get out of the persons grip, but it was too strong for me.

        "Shh! You're going to get the cops called if you keep acting like this!" I recognized the voice instantly, but it didn't come from out in the distance, but from the person of whom was on top of me.

   "Lucy. It's only me, Theo," He whisper yelled. Theo was my boyfriend. Has been for 3 strong years now. He's six foot one, tan, brown hair and eyes, and very sexy. 

   "Why would you scare me like that?! Why didn't you just yell my name instead of being all dark and mysterious," I practically yelled. I was mad, and I have every right to be. He scared the living day light out of me. I'm sure any rational person would have done the exact same. 

   "I was going to surprise you, and I didn't know that you were the one who left right away because normally you're the last one out of there. Plus when I did finally figure out it was you, you grabbed that huge ass pipe and bolted out of here, so I ran after you. I didn't mean to scare you Luce."

       Theo is the only person that I allow to call me Luce. There is no real explanation as to why, but I do.

   "You are so lucky that I love you. Now c'mon, lets get back to the apartment where it's safe. It's downright creepy out here."

   Theo and I walked home hand in hand. I wasn't scared very much anymore, but the fear was still lingering in me. 

   Soon, Theo and I made it back to my house without any problems, thankfully. I went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat, and Theo went to go get something I guess. He wouldn't tell me, and I asked him what it was, but he just told me it was a secret. Guess I will just have wait to find out. 

   While I was waiting for him, I made myself a simple ham, mayonnaise, and cheese sandwich. Once I was done, I grabbed the plate with my sandwich on it, and grabbed my laptop. I ate my meal while looking at my emails and checking through the mail. It was all junk mail, or letters from my parents, nothing really new though. But suddenly, I saw another random letter from an anonymous sender. This was the 3rd one this week. I started getting them just 2 months ago, and it's now Wednesday of the next month. Let's see what this letter says...

Dear Lucy,

   ABC oops silly me -Anonymous

   What does that mean? Who knows. I looked to check the dating on the letter. None. Great.. Plus this is getting out of control, who sends random letters with freaking random assed messages on them. I really need to figure out how to stop this. But honestly, I don't know how. They keep threatening me, but every time I threaten to do something about this, the sender just says something worse. You know what, I just can't let them get to me. Yeah, that's it. I bet that it's just a complete bluff. They aren't actually going to do the things they say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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