The Death of Arie

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 The End Of Arie

So, you've tuned in, you must want to know my story, so here.

    My name, that is from birth, is Arie...Arie Green. I was beautiful, at least that's what people used to tell me. I had mid-back length brunette hair, gray eyes that could challenge the gray of sadness themselves. My body was more on the thick side, my thighs touched a little, my stomach near protruding, but my bod was amazing for filling my clothes, I was almost a grown woman, but no, life decided to get weird and wrong and twisted.

   It was about 7 years ago, um 2006. I was in my house when I he knocked. He as in Wil, my personal epitome of pain. We used to........what's the best word for it, we were frenching-friends, which was pretty much when I hit rock bottom. I went to open the door greeted with "Arie, the scoobies need you, we're in a sitch of the supernatural sort."I could tell from his grave tone that he was serious.

    "No, why do you need my help, Buffy 'the slayer' should be enough for you guys to defeat whatever you need to face, I don't have time for fighting evil." I lied. I didn't have any plans and I really loved fighting with them. After thinking on it for a minute, I said "Whatever, lets go."

       I went to grab a coat from my room. When I came back down, with a questioning look, my mother asked "Where are you going?" Even though I love her, my mother loves to pick the worst time possible to be 'over protective parent'."

      "I'm going to the bronze for a while." I lied hoping she would believe me. If she had found out that I was going to face some sort of monster or do some magic, she probably would die. Her heart was weak as it was and it was a pain in my own heart to lie to her like I did.

      "Don't stay out too late honey" my mother said returning to the kitchen from which she ascended. The coolness of relief swept over me as I made my way toward the front door.

     "Moms, you gotta love 'em unless they argue way too much with your dad ." Wil said while we exited the walkway of my house. I laughed at his comment. I miss my home so much. I miss the smell of rosemary and mint coming from my dad's herb garden, and the soft quiet of our small Santa Barbara suburb. If it wasn't for the evil and other more relevant circumstances, I would've stayed in Sunnydale. 

       While we were walking, I felt eyes burning into my back as if someone was watching me. I pushed it away. The sunset was so beautiful making the sky cast amazing orange, purple, and white hues. The walk was so peaceful until Wil broke it with "We're almost at Buffy's house". It occurred to me that I didn't know what I was wanted to do. "What do you guys need me to do?" I asked.

       "Oh sorry for not telling you," Wil began, "Willow needs help with a spell. It calls for 4 souls, we're dealing with a soul-eating demon, it can only be killed with some essence of 4 pure souls.

     "I see." I said disappointed. I didn't have the chance to put my combat skills to use that I had been practicing.

       We reached Buffy's house in a matter of minutes. "Here we are." Wil said walking up Buffy's porch stairs opening the door to the house. "Guys, I got Arie to help with the soul thing." We immediately walked into the kitchen

     Buffy greeted me first with "Thanks for helping us," directed at Wil, she said "You filled her in on everything?.  Wil replied "Yes sir." Giles greeted me with "Oh, hello Arie." He never was one too much for long greetings.

     "Good. Now we have enough people to start. We're in the living room." I detected a tone of sadness in her speech. "Are you okay Buffy?" I asked, trying to sound concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2014 ⏰

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