Chapter 1

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(Katniss P.O.V)

I wake up to the irritating sound of my alarm clock. Today is the day, I've been dreading. My first day at my new school, Panem High School.


Mom, why do we have to move, we'll do perfectly fine here in District 12.

Honey, after your father's death this is what's best for us.

(End of Recap)

So, due to my mother's stubbornness, I'm living in a fancy house, and have lot's of money and am enrolled in a fancy, new high school.

Katniss, my little sister Prim yells, pulling me out of my thoughts once again, we have half an hour until school starts!

I mentally groan, ughhhhhh!

I hop into the shower to make myself half presentable, I throw on some makeup, put on a short floral dress and put on some heels. I grab my purse, my phone, and my car keys and headed out. I skipped breakfast since I was already late. Prim had a bus pick her since she's still in elementary school.


When I got to school, I realised I was late, so I ran to the office to grab my schedule, but being my clumsy self, I bumped into a really muscular wall, and fell. When I slowly got up I realized it wasn't a wall I bumped into but rather a tall, muscular, bronze-headed guy. He extended his hand towards me and apologized.

The name is Finnick, Finnick Odair.

Hi, I'm Katniss, I'm so sorry. I had no idea where I was going.

Hey, it's alright. Are you new here, haven't seen you before?

Before I could reply, I see Finnick check me out. I can't help but feel uncomfortable.

Ya, I'm new, well I better get going, I have to pick up my schedule.

Before I leave he hands me a piece of paper with 9 digits, which I suppose is his phone number.

(Finnick's P.O.V)

I just watch her leave. She's amazing and beautiful. Wow, I have never thought of a girl, I just met like that. Gloss, my best bud, pulls me out of my thoughts.

Hey, bro, I dare you to ask her out?

Say what now?

Hey man, you chicken, I could ask her out no problem, anyways we should get to class.

When I get to class I see my group waiting for me in the class. My friend group consists of me, Gloss, Marvel, Peeta, Cato, Annie, Johanna, Clove, and Glimmer. I'm kinda the odd one out because everyone in the group is dating someone except me. So my group is on the "hunt" for the perfect girl for me.

My first class today is Math, but since today is the first day of school, we don't do much, the teachers explain what we're doing this year and other unimportant stuff.


I sit with my squad at lunch and discussed what we did this summer. I mostly stay out of the conversation I can't help but think where Katniss could be.

At that moment, Gloss once again pulls me out of my thoughts.

Hey Katniss, come join our table.

Okay, she hesitantly says. She comes and sits right next to me. I probably look like I just saw a ghost, because she looks amazing. I introduce her to my squad.

Katniss, this is my group of friends.

Guys, this is Katniss, she's new here. She moved from.....

District 12, Katniss replies.

Everyone says hi and goes back to the convo about summer vacation.

So, I start up a conversation with Katniss.

So, Katniss how was your summer?


Do you have any siblings?

Yes, 1 sister.

Well, I don't think she's in the mood of talking, she seems kinda out of it. So I take the risk of asking her what's wrong.

Hey, Katniss is everything okay?

Ya, everything's fine, with that she get's up and walks away.

Why did she leave, what did I say wrong?

Do you have to scare away every girl that comes close to you? Says Johanna. With that, I also walk away.

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