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starting the girls road-trip off right with this little gem we found itsmilaj madisonbeer yasheverett

starting the girls road-trip off right with this little gem we found itsmilaj madisonbeer yasheverett

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30 april



3.2k replies

JackJ: Tell me again why the boys couldn't go? itsadehutton itsmilaj madisonbeer yasheverett

jackgilinsky: where are u guys road-tripping to and from? itsadehutton itsmilaj madisonbeer yasheverett

sammywilk: what they said itsadehutton itsmilaj madisonbeer yasheverett

TheMattEspinosa: Where's the guys vacation we said we were gonna do? JackJ jackgilinsky sammywilk itsadehutton itsmilaj madisonbeer yasheverett

itsadehutton: JackJ jackgilinsky none of your business :)

randomusername: awe friendship goals in that pic right there itsadehutton itsmilaj madisonbeer yasheverett

randomusername1: Wow what a view!

itsmilaj: it really was! randomusername1

madisonbeer: boys, just leave us alone, thank you JackJ jackgilinsky sammywilk TheMattEspinosa

JackJ: How rude itsadehutton madisonbeer

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