Stupid Cupid

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I walked down the stairs to the lair and found Oliver and Dig watching the news.

"Wow you two are real heros. Shouldn't you guys be out saving someone's life from a serial killer?" I asked as I walked over to them.

Tom and Jerry both looked up at me. "Where were you?" Oliver asked.

"I was sleeping with my other boyfriend" I said smirking. "Oh oka-wait what?" He asked making me laugh.

"I was kidding you big dummy. I went to get food" I said placing the box of donuts on the table.

"All of us are working very hard with one goal in mind, to save our city. But to do so Queen Consolidated needs to be something else.." I heard Ray Palmer say through the TV before revealing a logo for Palmer Technologies.

Oh sheet.

Oliver walked away and started hammering something. "You ok?" Dig asked as we both turned to face him.

"I'm fine" was all he said.

Yeah sure he is.

I walked over to him to see what the hell he was hitting and saw that he had crushed an arrow head.

"" Ollie asked as he pulled a tiny piece of paper out of the rubble.

"What's it say?" I asked curiously. Also who the fudge hides a note in an arrow head...?

"15 Baron Street, Apartment 7" He read aloud.

"Let's go"


Greenie kicked the door open and me and Dig followed him into the apartment.

When I got inside I saw candles everywhere and there was a whole room full of articles about The Arrow.

"That's not creepy at all" I mumbled before we heard a phone ring.

"It's you..I can't belive it's really you" a female voice said when Oliver answered the call.

Crazy Lady: Did you like your present?

Hoodie: You mean Issac Stanzler the man you killed?

Crazy Lady: I see how you take care of your city makes me wonder who takes care of you?

I do bitch.

Then she went on about how she would kill for him and blah blah blah.

Finally she shut up and sent Oliver a picture of the next guy she was gonna kill "for him".

I'm gonna slap that bitch I though to myself. Oliver smiled slightly under his hood as he looked at me...wait did I say that out loud?

"Yeah you did" Dig chuckled.


Felicity came back and found out that Oliver's stalker like gardening so we went to the green house closest to her apartment.

We spilt up, me and Roy went to find the guy she was trying to kill and Oliver went looking for his "lover".

All of the sudden and arrow flew past me and hit a phone pole. We both looked back and saw a women wearing a black leather jacket with a quiver strapped to her back.

"There's no sign of Cunner" Ollie said through his ear piece.


Oliver kept asking but neither of us answered.

"Hello, My love" crazy pants said. "If you hurt either of them I swear-" she cut him off.

"I'm a little surprised you brought your sidekicks I mean tonight is suppose to be about us...unless..wait is she your lover?"

He didn't say anything. She loaded her bow and fired away then I felt a burning pain in my shoulder.

Why do I always get shot?

I was about to run at her but before I knew it I fell to the ground and darkness consumed me.

When I woke up I was in the lair lying on the table in my bra with a bandage wrapped around my shoulder.

I slowly sat up and walked over to the stairs where a note was attached to the wall.

Me and Roy went to Dig's for dinner. Come join if you see this before we get back.
~ Oliver

I pulled a hoodie on before calling a cab, finally I arrived at Dig's. I knocked on the door and it opened revealing Lyla.

"Ally, come in" she said stepping out of the way. I walked in and gave her a hug before turning to look at the boys who were all on the couch.

"Look who's alive" Roy said laughing. "Haha your so funny" I said sarcastically making everyone laugh.

I sat down on Oliver's lap and leaned my head back onto his shoulder. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah actually I am"


Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in forever I was away for the last 3 weeks. Also we hit 11k😱💕
Thank you so much to everyone who is voting and also to all of you reading.

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