The "Fuck Boy"?

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Amber17: Hiya! You coming to the weird get together thing tonight at Taylor's? It's only gonna be you, Talyor, his sister, her boyfriend, and me. You up for it?
Laci13: Um... Sure, why not? Might have to leave early though. I have Math tests tomorrow morning... 😫
Amber17: Alright. See you later. I'll go ahead and lick you up around 5:30
Laci13: YOU'LL WHAT NOW?!?!
Amber17: AHHH!! Pick**!! Sorry, lol
Laci13: Haha, lol, okay.
Amber17: I'll pick you up later. Bye!
Laci13: Okies. See ya later


It's currently 4:48 pm, and I'm still not ready. I'm frantically trying to find my jeans that I just set out, but they're no where to be seen. I get mad, and flop on my bed. Just as I do, I feel something rough under my head. MY JEANS!!!

Alright, ready to go.


I head to the bathroom to put on a little makeup. Nothing huge. Just mascara, blush, and lip gloss. I grab my phone, and head out the door. I'm waiting on Amber, when I see some guy walking down to his car. He looked about my age, but I couldn't see him very clearly. He was too far away. He looks up and waves at me, and I nervously waved back.

"Hi! How ya doin'?" He yelled up. I head down the stairs while I think of a response.

"I've been better, but not horrible," I admit, now a lot closer to him. I swear I know him from somewhere.

"You know, you look really familiar. Do I know you?" He asked me.

"I don't think so, but I was thinking the same thing, honestly." I tell him.

"Huh. Well, I'm Zack Martin. Nice to meet you. Maybe we go to school together. What school do you go to?" He asked, still on the subject.

"Uh, Jacksonville High School. You?" I respond.

"Ah ha! That's gotta be it! That's where I go!" He exclaimed, chuckling.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm Laci Andrews. Nice to formally meet you. See you arou-"


"Well, that's my ride. I'm going to a friend's get together. Talk to you later?" I say.

"Here, have my number. Text me later, okay? I'm going to a friend's house right now, but I'll text back as soon as I can," he says, walking away.
I walk up to Amber's Jeep, and hopped in.

"I see you've met Zack," Amber said, unimpressed.

"What? Is that a bad thing?" I asked, concerned.

"I mean, no. He's just known to be, excuse my language, but a 'fuck boy', according to all the girls," she explained.

"Oh, well, good thing we weren't flirting," I say honestly.

We get in the car and head for Taylor's. It's a longer ride than expected, so I start up some normal conversation.

"So, uh, is Taylor gay?" I ask, as subtly as possible.

"What the heck, Laci?! Why would you ask that?!" Amber asks, looking at me and then back to the road.

"No reason, just curious. I mean, he acts kinda gay. But I didn't wanna assume anything, so that's why I asked his best friend," I explain, looking as innocent as possible.

"You're so weird," she laughs, "but yes. He is gay. He doesn't really openly say it though. He's not ashamed, he's just not really into the whole labeling thing. He doesn't see the point in him having to tell everyone he's gay, like it's something super special. He said it should be something considered normal, and I personally agree." She informs, not taking her eyes off the road. I nod in agreement as I think of a response.
"I see how that makes sense. Why should only the gay people have to come out? That's perfectly acceptable, so why is that something we should have to formally say? Yeah, I totally get it." I agree, turning to look out my window. We're coming up a street I don't recognize. Then again, I just moved here, so I don't really recognize a lot. Just as I was about to ask where we are, Amber speaks up.

"We're here," she begins. She turns to me, "and if you have any questions about these people, don't refrain from asking. They're weird." She laughs and gets out of the car.

I slowly step out of the car, and look at my surrounding as I close the door. I take it all in, and follow Amber up to the house. It's big, and pretty. There are many beautiful and bright flowers in the front, and around the side. On the porch, there's a porch swing, with a light blanket lying on it, with two pillows, one on each side. The outside of the house is a pale baby blue, and the roof and a light, pretty gray.

As Amber and I reach the small steps, Taylor comes walking out the front screen door.

"Amber! I'm glad you could make it!" He smiles, seemingly really happy. He turns and looks at me, and smiles even wider. "Laci, right?" When I nod, with a shy smile, he takes my hand any guides me into the house. As I walk in, I feel the coolness of the house surround me. Definitely cooler than outside. The outside isn't hot, it's just slightly warmer than I'd prefer.

"Everyone, meet Amber! She's new to Jacksonville High, and I assume new to the area as well, correct?" Taylor asks, turning to me. I nod, slightly, and he quickly gets back to introducing me. "I met her this morning, and out of what I've seen, she's really nice, and I want her to feel welcome." He turns to me, and slightly whispers, "Have fun," and walks away.

"I like that he didn't even tell you anyone's name," Amber says, laughing, and lightly pulling me further into the house. She closes the door softly behind her, and we head into the living room.

"Okay, so, the girl over there is Zoe Masters." She says, pointing to the twin I met this afternoon. "Oh, and thheres her sister, Nikki. Personally, I'm a bigger fan of Zoe, but that might just be me."

Amber continues to point out people I don't recognize, and she tells me something simple about each one. She says that lost of them won't matter, because she barely knows them, so I probably won't either.

"That girl, there," Amber says, pointing. "That's Makenzie Starks. She's Taylor's sister. They're twins, too, which is probably why she likes Zoe and Nikki so much, to be honest with you." My eyes widen as I hear her say this.

"They're twins?! Really?! Wow... Taylor seems to nice. Makenzie seems sort of... I don't know. Fake?" I say, unsure of what I've sensed.

"Oh, yeah, for sure. She's preppy and rude. But if she likes you, your life is great. You need something, and she's got you." Amber further explains. I not, taking in all of the information.

"So what about you? I mean, you seem to know so much about everyone here, so what about you? Tell me something about you." I say, trying to start another conversation.
Amber laughs, but goes along with it.

"Okay, well, um... hmm... let's see... Well, I care about my grades, a lot. And my reputation, when it comes to teachers. I want them to like me. Me in school, and me outside of school, are completely different people. When I'm in school, I'm a teacher's pet. Every teacher likes me, I'm the student body president, and I dress well to further show my good impression. Outside of school, I'm more laid back, I'm funny and 'chill' as they say, and I wear whatever I want. Yes, I do my homework, but I'm not in my teacher's view, so I don't really care, you know?" As she talks, I nod along, carefully listening to her.

(This chapter is still unfinished. Still up to suggestions as well)

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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