The Changes

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The sun beat down the back of my neck, and birds chirped in the morning air. I couldn't really enjoy the scenery around me, due to the fact that I was running incredibly late for the school. Normally I wouldn't care, but Mr. Bobby (my math teacher) said if I was late to his class one more time... I would be suspended. Practically pulling on my shoe as I ran down the side walk, I pushed myself closer and closer to the brick building. I never used to be this person... the person who didn't care if she was late or not,nor if her grades were bad. But lately, I've gotten the feeling that maybe... this isn't way I was supposed to go. I used to be the good girl, the one with straight A's and the perfect attitude... I just Changed.

Brushing the thoughts aside, I hauled the glass doors open and ran through the near empty hallways towards my locker. screeching to a halt, I quickly spun the lock. My fingers were moving faster than my mind and I kept dialing it wrong. I let our a frustated sigh before finally getting it open. I shoved some books in, and quickly grabbed my math textbook and slammed my locker shut. Glancing at the clock I saw I had two minutes to get from my locker, all to the other side of the building and down to the second floor.

Stomping my foot, I turned on my heel and raced towards the staircase. But me being me,  I wasn't paying attention, and slammed right into someone. Causing my textbook and I to go flying, and knocking the other person to the floor as well. Scrambling to my feet, I grabbed my book and turned back to see the person who I had knocked down, only to see that it was... John Paulo Patiño, "The Bad Boy" of our school.

Trying to find my voice to apologize was more than difficult. My mouth hung agape as I looked at the gorgeous boy laying on the floor, rubbing the back of his head. You see... no in school reaaly messed with John. It's not like he was really mean or anyhing, you just never want to be on his or his friends bad sides. And i'm the only guessing at this point.., I was definitely on his bad side.

"Oh my gosh, John!" I squealed, finally finding my voice. I had completely forgotten about getting to class on time. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you and I was just trying to get to class! I'm so sorry! Do you need to got to the nurse? Do you want me to get a teacher to help you? Are you hurt? How did I hit you? Am I-"

But my rant was cut short by a deep, sexy voice. "Kathleen, chill out. I'm fine." He looked up at me with his mesmerizing, dark brown eyes. John Paulo knows my name!

"Are you sure? Because you know I could-"

"I'm sure, kathleen."

"At least let me help you." I said, reaching my hand out to him.

Chuckling, he grabbed my hand and I hauled him up. "You know," his face was only inches away from mine, "you're pretty cute when you're flustered." With that said, he saunturned off down the hall. Biting back a smile, I turned away and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, not worried at all about Mr. Bobby.

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