The Back ♥

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The next few weeks past by painfully slow. Nothing seemed important right now... not even prom. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to face John with Kelly... it would be to hard. Sighing, I flipped over onto my stomach trying to clear my thoughts. It was just no use. 

"Okay! That's it! You're getting out of bed, whether you want to or not!" Fey hollered as she barged into my room with two bags in her hands.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned, sitting up.

"Getting you out of the house." She stated simply.

"Where would we be going exactly?"

"The club!" And with that said, we got to work. 

***At the club***

The music was pumping and shaking the ground, people were grinding on each other, the smell of booze coated the air in the room. It was your typical bar scene. Girls in slutty clothes with way too much makeup, and guys jjust begging for them to let them through their "gates"... if you catch my drift. Fey and I strutted over to the bar in our stiletto heels to get some drinks. Sitting down at the bar we watched people dance, stumble and some of them fall. My mind wandered away from my previous problems as I downed a shot Fey had ordered. The warm liquid burned my throat a little, but I ignored it. A few shots later, I was ready to get out on the dance floor. 

My body moved swiftly with the music as my hips swayed side to side. I danced with everyone and anyone really. I was out to have a good time and I wasn't going to hold back. The beat pumped through my veins and my feet bounced to the rhythm. I was brought out of my trance when a pair of hands wrapped themselves arouund my waist. Turning around to meet this stranger, my eyes connected to the all to familiar pair of deep brown eyes. John Paulo.

Instantly, I distanced myself from him. "What are you doing here?" I yelled over the music. 

"I came to find you! I miss you!" He hollered back. 

I scoffed, "Well I don't miss you!" I turned around swiftly and made my way through the crowd, towards the front door. Before I could make it outside, a hand grabbed my arm. "What?" I screeched as I faced John.

"You don't mean that! I know you miss me!" He searched my face for any sign that he was right, and I knew he had found it when he stepped closer to me. "I miss you, I miss you so much it hurts. I haven't slept well in weeks! You were so good to me and I did something so terrible." Even though he was speaking in his regular voice, I could still hear him. "I was drunk and stupid... and to be completely honest, all I thought about was you. Please... please give me another chance."

I didn't answer him with words... I couldn't. I was crying to hard. So I did the one thing I could do... I kissed him with everything I had. Pulling away slightly, I mumbled, "Does that answer your question?" against his lips.

He only smiled and kissed me again. 

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